I have been on this board for 2 months and I post here and there, but mostly I read your posts. I guess I am a bit of the shy type, but once I get to know you I'm total opposite. Let me further introduce myself and my little one.
My little one came into the World at 32 wks and 1 day (yes I have to add the one day . He was born early due to pre-eclampsia, polyps and also had complications from a fibroid. He weighed in at 3 lbs 3 oz 15 inches long and since I had gotten the steroid shots a wk prior to his birth he came out breathing like a champ! He was in the NICU for 5 wks exactly and never had any breathing assistance at all. Luckily never had a brady at all either. He was a bit jaundice and had trouble with sucking, swallowing and breathing. One day as we all know it all clicked and he came home. When he came home he was 5 lbs 11 oz and 17 inches long. I am an exclusive pumper mommy and he gets all his feedings from breastmilk and always has. He just got his first shots ( alternative Dr. Sears schedule is what we are following; ya'll must get the book). And he is now 8 lbs 2 oz and 20.5 inches long. He still eats every 3 hrs like clockwork 24 hrs a day. My husband and I are totally in love with him as he is our pride and joy! We waited to have children 8 yrs and we are so blessed to have him in our lives.
Glad to meet you all and I hope to come out of my shell a bit more often! By the way I am from Los Angeles, CA. Just in case you wanted to know. And I am a psychology major (2 more yrs to go) @ Cal State University Long Beach and also have 24 units in Child development.
Re: Hola Ladies!