My mom passed away this February at the ripe age of 50. (WAY too young) It was very sad and has been really difficult but we are getting by. Since her passing I have this really strong yearning in my heart to pass on her name to my next child, if it is a girl. I don't want to use her name exactly because it would be too painful but spin something off of it.
All I can come up with is Carley, which I really like. Any other suggestions???
Re: Carlene
I'm sorry about your loss.
Playing with Carlene, you might consider:
Carly Alene
I love the name Carley. Probably because that's my sister's name (spelled Carly).
The only reason I would throw in the E was to have it one letter closer to her name. I like Carmen!! Haven't thought about that one!
TTC #2 since 4/09
Unexplained Secondary IF
4 failed rounds of clomid ~ 4 failed IUIs ~ 1 m/c
2/3/11: IUI #5 - Femara/Follistim/Ovidrel/Crinone = BFP (2/14)!!!
Beta #1 (12dpiui): 53 Beta #2 (14dpiui): 203 Beta #3 (20dpiui): 3932 Beta #4 (28dpiui): 60,775
1st U/S (3/3): 2 sacs & yolks 2nd U/S (3/8) 2 heartbeats-TWINS!
Baby A:6w6d HR 131 Baby B:6w4d HR 124
TWINS!! EDD 10/25/2011
I'm so sorry for your loss. That is definitely too young.
My MIL passed away right before DD was born and we used her middle name for DD's middle name - Arlene. It's nice to have the name live on.
So with that, I like Carly and I second the names already suggested - Charlene (could call her Charlie!), Arlene, Cara.
I am sorry for your loss as well.
Thanks! I have already tried for Charlie but DH said it was too boyish. I think it is ADORABLE!
TTC #2 since 4/09
Unexplained Secondary IF
4 failed rounds of clomid ~ 4 failed IUIs ~ 1 m/c
2/3/11: IUI #5 - Femara/Follistim/Ovidrel/Crinone = BFP (2/14)!!!
Beta #1 (12dpiui): 53 Beta #2 (14dpiui): 203 Beta #3 (20dpiui): 3932 Beta #4 (28dpiui): 60,775
1st U/S (3/3): 2 sacs & yolks 2nd U/S (3/8) 2 heartbeats-TWINS!
Baby A:6w6d HR 131 Baby B:6w4d HR 124
TWINS!! EDD 10/25/2011
I'm really sorry about your mom. That's much, much too soon, and such a difficult thing for you to go through.
One of my best friends is Carly - gorgeous, smart, successful. I would use just that. I'd spell it without the extra "e", personally, because she won't want to explain why it is spelled that way every time. In terms of the way it sounds, Carly/Carley is just one sound away from Carlene anyway.
I like Arlene or Carley a lot. Another suggestion is Carina. I have a friend named Carinne, which is kinda close to your mother's name. I am very sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine what you're going through. You are in my prayers.?
Also so sorry about your loss.
I really like these options.