
Constipation - may be TMI

I posted this on another board but wanted to get answers from you girls also. It's been about a week since I've gone and my OB suggested Colace. Well it isn't doing anything! I've tried pears and dried prunes and TONS of water - nada. Help!

Re: Constipation - may be TMI

  • I had this problem alot, I know you probably don't want to hear this but right now your best bet is going to be a suppository. I would call the dr back & see which one to use but when it had been that long for me that was all that would work, and besides the longer it goes on the worse it is going to get. I would also ask if it is safe for you to just take a Colace everyday, to keep it under control. After I went on hospital bedrest they gave me one everyday. Hope it gets better for ya.
  • Oof, sorry. Other than colace, moving around, water, fiber & all you're already doing, the suppository might be the way to go. I bet you're super uncomfortable. talk to your dr! GL.
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  • Colace is just a softener, it wont make you go.  Hopefully, it will make it not hurt like hell after a week though.

    I had terrible constipation and toward the end of my pg, I started eating an apple a day.  It worked so fast, I was shocked.  Nothing else helped - not fiber chewables, not even caffeine.  I was on iron supplements and it was horrible.  couldnt believe that a simple apple really worked.

  • I swear by Fiber One bars......2 a day and it's all good:)
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