
Is there any hope?

I had been bfing my twins during the day and supplementing with formula after each feeding b/c they seemed to have a hard time doing any longer than 10 minutes bfing at a time and one of them had a hard time latching.  So this week I decided to start pumping instead and found that I barely collect an ounce a piece per day for each wonder they had such a hard time with bfing - they weren't getting much at all! 

So I am wondering - they are 2 1/2 weeks old - is this it for my supply, or could it come in more this late in the game?  Any suggestions that may work to up my supply?  I feel like I am destined for fomula only and I really wanted them to be able to breastfeed.

Re: Is there any hope?

  • Personally I think you still need to give it some time for your supply to build up.  But I've never nursed two, so I'm not sure if that changes anything.
  • There is hope!! Drink tons of water - I mean so much water you think you will float away.  Relax - in the beginning I found when I stressed about pumping and supply, I would not get as much.  I am still pumping at work and I find having a picture of my babies helps, I know it sounds weird!



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  • How often are you pumping.  I pump every 2 hours, which is a pain since my babies eat every 3 hours so I'm either pumping, feeding or changing diapers all day.  But pumping every 2 hours has helped me build my supply.  Keep at it.  Your supply will slowly go up. 

    My babies don't latch on either, which is why I pump.  I wish they would bf, but it's just not happening.  There are times when I think pumping is a lot of work, especially every 2 hours, but it's worth it.  Keep giving it a chance!

  • There is definitely hope. My guess is that if you were only breast feeding and not pumping at all before, your supply may be low because the babies haven't stimulated you enough to let your body know you need to make more. If you pump every 3 hours for about 20 minutes I bet you would realize a dramatic increase in supply in just a couple days. You could continue to breastfeed them like you mentioned but just pump immediately after they eat so you are telling your breasts to make more milk. Good luck!
  • Would fenugreek help some? ?I've read about that helping increase supply. ?Also dark beer and/or oatmeal. ?
  • Your babies are only 2 weeks takes 4-6 weeks for your body to learn to regulate the supply of milk you are producing. So, like the PP said, the more you keep yourself hydrated and well-nourished and the more you put them to your breast to feed or even just for comfort instead of a paci, the more your body will produce. Pumping is good too for increasing supply, but don't get freaked out if you only get an ounce out of the pump, for several reasons: 1. Babies are much more efficient at extracting milk than pumps. I only ever got 1-2 oz pumping (which is why I stopped pumping--frustrating!) and I exclusively bf mine for 6 mos before introducing solids, and they were totally satisfied. I continued to bf my dd until she was 2 and my son for 19 mos so far and still going strong. 2. Since they are so little, they probably are only getting a few oz at a time when they feed. Do they still act hungry after they have nursed? Can you feel your let-down and hear them swallowing?

    If you do feel like you have supply issues, you can try fenugreek suppliments like PP said. I liked the nursing mom teas, those always worked for me. Eating oatmeal can boost supply too! Here is a recipe from nestie mamajan for cookies to help boost your supply:

    I haven't nursed twins but I tandem nursed a newborn and my toddler daughter for 6 mos. Sorry this is so long, but I just wanted to tell you not to give up! You are not destined for formula just because you are having supply issues, so many women face this and it is totally fixable!

    Good luck and keep us posted! 

    Nicholas-lost at 16w 6/2011 BabyFetus Ticker
  • Thanks for your responses ladies! I will keep at it and try some of your suggestions and not give up just yet!
  • sdb421sdb421 member
    Not to offer a negative perspective, but I had the same problem and eventually had to give up. I felt like I was pumping, feeding or supplementing 24 hours a day and had no time to enjoy my children. I was going crazy and it caused me a lot of emotional and physical stress. I took fenugreek and pumped every 2-3 hours and never got more of a supply. After almost 3 weeks, I switched to formula. While I've had HUGE guilt, I am much more sane and happy. I hope it works out for you, but whatever happens, you are doing a great job!
    M/C #1 - BFP-1/16/08 Dx Blighted Ovum-2/4/08 D&C-2/8/08 @ 7 weeks M/C #2 - BFP-3/31/08 Early M/C-4/10/08 @ 5 weeks M/C #3 - BFP-6/31/08 Early M/C-7/13/08 @ 5.5 weeks Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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