
Man, 3 kids is hard...

Not that I thought it would be easy, but I'm wiped out!  At the end of the day, I could literally fall asleep standing up.  Most nights, I don't even wash my face or brush my teeth (and I'm a dentist so this disgusts me); I just fall asleep on the couch til the next feeding.  I sleep on the couch with E all night long b/c she's up fairly often to eat and I'm simply trying to get as much sleep as I can.  I feel like a zombie!   I will say though that things are better now than they were a few weeks ago, so hopefully things continue to get easier.

Anyone else with 3?  Advice?  Encouragement?!

Re: Man, 3 kids is hard...

  • Things do get better.  My 3rd is one now and it is so much better.  We are all starting to sleep more and I am starting to feel human again.  Congrats on your newest addition.


  • Tongue Tied

    I probably shouldn't have opened this...what, with 5 weeks til my c-section. I stressed out SO much before my second was born...I worried about how Ben would handle me being in the hospital, how he'd handle the new baby, what it would be like taking care of two, etc. All I did was stress over it! This time around, I just push the thoughts right out of my head. I tell myself, "besides telling them about the new baby, there's not much else you can control over the situation, so why bother worrying about it?!". Now I'm thinking maybe I should start worrying!

    I'm pretty much expecting to be bone-tired, frazzled, unkempt and up all night. Besides that, how are things going for you? How are the big sisters handling the new addition? How are things between you and your hubs? 

    Evelyn-Mommy to Ben 9.20.05 and Emily 5.14.07 and Callie 7.10.09! Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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  • I have a zoo membership, I could pretend the elder two are mine for a day.. LOL ?

    Just remember, South Haven, the lake, and Clementine's are only a 45min drive away.?

  • So glad to read someone else not have time to brush their teeth b/c I really thought it was only me!  I always brush them at night but never seem to do it during the day which is gross.  I really need to get into a better habit of doing DS' in the morning and doing mine at the same time.
    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
  • imageKoriBrett:

    I have a zoo membership, I could pretend the elder two are mine for a day.. LOL  

    Just remember, South Haven, the lake, and Clementine's are only a 45min drive away. 


    KB, good to know!  I'm actually looking at a practice in SH.  I love it there...but I think we're going to settle in Kzoo b/c there's more going on there, kwim?

  • It does get easier.  Can you hook a co-sleeper onto your bed so that you're getting a more comfortable sleep?  I would have been a mess without our co-sleeper. 
  • imagePurrrfect433:

    Tongue Tied

    I probably shouldn't have opened this...what, with 5 weeks til my c-section. I stressed out SO much before my second was born...I worried about how Ben would handle me being in the hospital, how he'd handle the new baby, what it would be like taking care of two, etc. All I did was stress over it! This time around, I just push the thoughts right out of my head. I tell myself, "besides telling them about the new baby, there's not much else you can control over the situation, so why bother worrying about it?!". Now I'm thinking maybe I should start worrying!

    I'm pretty much expecting to be bone-tired, frazzled, unkempt and up all night. Besides that, how are things going for you? How are the big sisters handling the new addition? How are things between you and your hubs? 

    Purrf, I'm super laid back so I'm not so much stressed as I am tired.  I just roll with it...what gets done gets done, cleaning takes a back seat to most stuff, the kids eat more hot dogs and spaghettios than I'd like, and the baby sleeps wherever she pleases (which is always with/on me...we'll worry about good sleep habits later!).  The girls are GREAT with her.  L just loves her and is a little mommy.  C isn't bad with her, but most of the time she could care less.  She just does her own thing.  Things with me and MH kind of suck.  We rarely see each other and all of our time goes towards the kids.  We've had a couple of nights out together and it's awesome.  We don't sleep together b/c I"m always on the couch, so that's rough.  I think we both just anticipate it being like this for a little while until things settle down.  He's really understanding of that and a super helpful dad, so that's a bonus. 

  • LOVE SouthHaven. ?The schools are, well, pretty bad. ?There really isn't anything there other than lake & tourists. ?I could live there, make my crafty stuff, Dh could write.. waterwaterwater.

    The drive from here to SH really really really is not good in winter. ?The lakeshore gets a foot of snow, we get maybe 3". ?It's insane. ?

  • I'm used to the winter...I grew up in a town just a little north of SH.  I definitely haven't missed the winter driving.
  • DUH I think I knew that, sorry. ?I need to go to bed.
  • Either way....I suppose we'll need an SUV before winter comes!
  • I'm feeling the same way. ?Just barely keeping my head above water with 3 kids. ?Doesn't help that DH didn't get home from work until 11:30 tonight. ?
  • I bow to you.  Two is whooping my azz right now!  I do the same thing as you--collapse into bed at the end of the night, makeup on, contacts in, teeth not brushed, b/c I just don't have the energy (and besides that, I don't dare wake E if she's sleeping there in our room!).  I'm sure it does get better/easier, just like having one (and two, for you) did.  Hugs!
  • imagejorie:

    Things with me and MH kind of suck.  We rarely see each other and all of our time goes towards the kids.  We've had a couple of nights out together and it's awesome.  We don't sleep together b/c I"m always on the couch, so that's rough.  I think we both just anticipate it being like this for a little while until things settle down.  He's really understanding of that and a super helpful dad, so that's a bonus. 

    Ditto all of this, too!  I'm sorry it is that way, but I love your attitude about all of it, and it makes me feel better that I'm not the only one feeling this way!

  • I remember you asking me about 3 when you were thinking about getting pg and now you are there!  Wow.  It does get easier.  I think the biggest toll is how often I look like a Mom-hag (I lack sitters so that is partly to blame -plus DH works 14 hour days most of the time).  I just don't get the time to keep myself up as much as I would like to.  Pedicure, pleeaasse.  I am lucky to brush my hair much less do it some days.  Comfy clothes trump trendy cute clothes.  Also, the baby took a toll on my sex life.  Sleep is my bff right now.  It seems to get easier each month.  Getting out has gotten much better too.  Congrats on the baby and 3 girls!!!!!!  
    Proud Mommy to Kaylie 12-04, Alaina 5-06 & Annalise 6-08 imageimage
  • :::runs out of post screaming "what have I done.":::

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