
Late ultrasound?

I am really considering trying for a VBAC, but I am scared the baby will be breech or have the cord around it's neck.  Do you think my doctor would do a ultrasound before to confirm everything looks fine?  I am going to ask at my next appt but it isn't for a week.  If your baby was breech, how did the doctor know?  I am worried because with L they didn't know she was breech until I was 10cm and ready to push.  I had to hold her in while they prepped for the c/s and it was horrible.  I do not want that to happen again.

Re: Late ultrasound?

  • Maybe given this history, your doc can pencil one in for 37w or something?
  • EMTEMT member

    My OB could tell DS was breech when my measurement was less than it was 2 weeks prior.  He did an U/S to confirm.  I'm not sure how that'd work if your DS has always been head down though.

    Also with DD, my OB (a different one) thought she was breech just by how my belly felt and he did an U/S and it showed she was head down.

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