
Do have problems getting your 2ish/3 year old to leave fun places?

I swear it is impossible to get my dd to leave the park or go inside from outside-basically leave anywhere where she is having fun.  I have tried everything.  I give warnings (5min, 2min, 1 min) or 2 more times down the slide etc.  I try to bribe her with a reward if she listens well when it's time to go (this never works).  It usually ends up with her running away from me, me chasing her down and picking her up kicking and screaming (a challenging feat since she is the size of most 4 year olds).  When she does this I take her home and she gets a timeout in her room and I take away a favorite toy for the day.  Any other ideas on how to get her to listen when it's time to go?  Please tell me I'm not the only one who struggles with this, but it seems like all the other kids I see follow their parents obediently when it's time to go.
Child #1: 6 yo DD Child #2: 2yo DD

Re: Do have problems getting your 2ish/3 year old to leave fun places?

  • we don't go to fun place for a long time if they throw fits when we leave....and we use that threat.

    "If you don't put your tears away and walk to the car nicely, then we won't come here for 2 weeks." or whatever....and I follow through.

  • SullaSulla member

    I still sometimes have problems getting my almost 5 year old to leave fun places. It's totally normal.

    I just try to stay cool, give warnings, give consequences, and often just distract by singing songs, asking questions, having a race to the car, whatever. I also always repeat the mantra, " The great thing about [insert place here] is that we always come back!"

    ETA: I've also had some luck with discussing how I expect him to leave as we're arriving. Meaning as we're going there, we talk about how when mommy says it's time to go, it's time to go, and he needs to cooperate, just to kind of lay the groundwork. But that might only work with kids a bit older.

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  • from the beginning, we have always taught DD to say goodbye to the places we are leaving, so she always says goodbye and then just leaves..we have never really had an issue..she just waves and leaves
  • I keep a Dora in the car and she's usually pretty happy to get back in the car if it means she can play with Dora.  I also remind her that if she wants to come back to the park she needs to be good about leaving (this is something you need to talk to her about before you go to the fun place and when you give your 2 minute warning).  I also keep snacks in the car and time our departure for a time when she might be getting a little hungry. 

    I don't like 5 minute warnings, I think it is too long for a toddler.  I give a 2 minute warning.

  • DS has gotten much better at not through fits when we leave fun places.  One suggestion is to start walking away (as long as there aren't large crowds and you know she won't be taken).   
    Cheryl, Evan 4.25.05, Paige 7.2.07
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