
AW - DS's preschool teacher!!!

So I emailed DS's preschool teacher (she has an in-home preschool) to let her know that we would be keeping L home while DH is on break from school to save some money.  I asked her about a deposit to keep his spot until September when DH starts school again, and she told us that it wasn't necessary.  Below is her email.  I just love her!!!  This is going to save us nearly $1000 this summer on childcare costs (which with DH not working is HUGE).
I understand your situation.  I am a teacher rather than a business woman and I don't see my daycare families as the customers.  I see them as my friends.  You don't need to worry about the deposit.  I will save a spot for Logan's return in September. 
Logan is a very nice child here.  He has made lots of friends in this program.  I told this thing to my older son.  He said it would be much less fun to the daycare children if Logan could not be here.  So he is always welcome here.
Thank you for letting me know!  Good night!
I just had to AW her...she is awesome!
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