
Mom's of 2yo boys.

Have you started PTing? Do you plan to soon? DS is 2.5 and will go sometimee here and there if I ask him when changing his diaper. He does well, I just haven't pushed him or really tried. I think he could if I would break-down and just do it. I'm thinking maybe next week since I'm off. The problem is DH and I are going OOT willl come home Mon the DS and I are going OOT on Wed. So technically we will only have 1.5 days at home then we will be at the beach. I just don't know if that's something I want to deal with while be OOT. I feel like it would be easier and better if we were at home doing it KWIM?

Re: Mom's of 2yo boys.

  • DS is also 2 1/2, but we're not PTing yet. I have no desire and DS is so not ready. I'll probably start when he's 3 or if he starts showing WAYY more interest before then.
    Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
    Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
  • We bought a potty chair a month or two ago because DS asked for one. When I remember I have him sit on it before getting in the bath. He's peed on it twice and I think both times were a fluke! Beyond that...we aren't doing anything. He's not overly interested and neither am I! :-)
    Molly - DS - 12.16.06 DD - 3.20.09 DD - 3.11.11
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  • DS will go if I take him but I don't think he's totally ready for it yet.  I'm waiting until he's 3 to dive in.
    Mommy to three adorable boys!
  • DS is 2.5 and showing a lot of signs of being ready, but I am waiting until after the week long trip we have planned in a few weeks... would rather just do diapers right now that possibly having a lot of accidents on the trip.  I am waiting until we have at least a good three days at home (at least) before embarking on this.
  • We "started" about 6 months ago.. but not enforcing it.. and about 2 months ago i threw out all diapers and began training.. he now pottys all day long and wears underwear with the exception of nap time. stick to it.. dont go backwards... my advice- buy some stickers and animal crackers.. even M&M's for poopy in the potty. When the jar runs out he is a big boy!
  • Jacob is 2.5 and we haven't started. I got the potty, but anytime we try to get him to use it, he runs away. He'll sit on it, with his pants on! If I suggest takig the diaper off he tells me no and runs away. Our daycare lady tried too, and she said he's just not interested. I'm dreading it anyway so we haven't pushed it. I think it'll be more likely when he's closer to 3. He's been late with everything else, potty training will be no exception!
  • Well, DS just turned two, so he is on the young side for PTing. Our current plan is to wait until he is 3 unless he starts showing a lot more interest before then. We have a potty chair out in his bathroom, we have some picture books on PTing, we talk about it, etc., but I am waiting for him to take initiative on it. I am in no rush at all!
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  • Ohh sorry. JB is 2.5
  • DS is 2y2mo and i have no plans to PT him anytime soon... maybe closer to 3.

    He has interest in the potty- and we encourage it- and he even made a poopie on the potty this weekend for the first time- but with the twins about to be born - there's no way i'm dealing with PT now... i also don't think he's ready... for him it's a novelty right now.

    i would not do it when i'm going OOT that is for sure... when we do it we'll do it "boot camp" style- when we'll be home for many days straight and do potty all day long without other distractions.

  • I'm going to try just after he turns 2.  He will go on the potty and I know he has control of it.  I will not be disappointed if it doesn't go well and we have to put it on hold, but since he is showing signs I'm going to try.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Ethan is 2.5, and I'm the odd one out, in that I trained him when he was 21 months.  I would recommend staying home for at least several days so you could keep a close eye on signs of him starting to go.  With DS, the first day was awful (12 pairs of underwear!) but days 2 and 3 were MUCH better.  He was "pee" trained within 2 weeks (TOTALLY accident free) and poop trained within 3 weeks.  He still wears pull-ups at naps and nighttime because he just sleeps too soundly.


    Ethan George 11.4.06 Marcus Harvey 3.4.11
  • My DS turned 2 in January and has been pretty much 100% PT during the day since February.  I did a boot camp type deal where we stayed home and he was pretty much only in undies or naked from the waste down for 2 days straight.  I did the same thing with my DD at the same age and it worked with her as well.  I hadn't planned on doing it as young with my DS, but I was newly pregnant when I did it and knew that if I didn't do it then and have him "master" it, it wasn't going to happen until after the baby was born.  He will be a little over  2 1/2 when the baby is born, he'll be starting Preschool, will be away from me for the first time, plus the transition to having a new baby - I didn't want to add the stress of PT too.  Plus, he has really sensitive skin and could only use Seventh Generation Diapers and they were getting to be too expensive and too much of a PITA to find/buy.

     He is actually dry during naps now too, no more pull-up then.  I still put a pull-up on him at night because up until tonight, he was still in his crib and I didn't want him trying to get out to pee.  He wakes up 4-5/7 nights dry.  Now that he's in a big bed, I'll probably start working on the night time thing too.  My DD didn't night train until just before she turned four, but he seems ready.

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