
Potty training books, me and DS

What books can you recommend for me to read on HOW to potty trian.  and some books for us to read to DS to teach him about the potty?

We already have an open door policy, and he watches us go, and he flushes the potty, waves bye bye as it flushes. 

He is starting to show some initial signs.  after he goes, he patts his diaper wanting a change.  he stays dry for 4-6 hours in a row, and then goes all at once.  never dry for a nap or over night.  but while he is awake, we go through minimal diapers because he just waits and goes. 

Re: Potty training books, me and DS

  • Lora Jensen's Potty Training book its sold online but someone on here posted a link to it for free.  I have it if you need it emailed to you.

    My son started in undies May 6th and he has been completely potty trained day and night for 3 plus weeks.  First week was rough and very messy.  I almost gave up but then he just got it.  He tells me he has to pee and poop and hasn't had any accidents day and night.

     Good luck!

    Heather married 10.1.05 Brandon 12.9.06 Kristin 3.22.10 image
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