
Does your dh actually know how to clean??

I am still a little peeved about this, but I am guessing most dh's are the same way?

I was cleaning on Saturday.  Started around 8:30 am.  By 12:30 I had finished 3 rooms...because I was actually CLEANING.  DH wanted to go to lunch and asked when I would be done.  I told him I still need to clean the living room and 1 bathroom, and I would do the bedrooms and other bath when we got back.  He said, all you need to do in the bathroom is pick up my clothes and shoes (which s/not be there to begin with...but I digress) and I responded No, I need to clean the tub/shower, toilet and sink.  The man asked my why!  My not so nice response was that I know his ex is a slob, but that is how you actually use soap and detergents.

 I swear to god, he would live in a barn.

Re: Does your dh actually know how to clean??

  • No.  He does not.  Not at all.  I asked him to clean DS's bathroom once and while it looked straightened up there was soap all over the sink and the bathtub was obviously not cleaned.  Plus I vaccuum everyday because his black dog sheds like crazy.  I can't even tell you when DH vacuumed last.
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  • I often wonder the same thing. Every time he says he's going to clean the bathroom, which is rarely, he washes the sink and INSIDE the toilet but forgets the tub, mirror, the outside of the toilet around the base, the floors...and when I allowed him to do laundry he'd load it up to the brim and pour detergent directly from the bottle ontop of the clothes.

    I mean, yeah, he was attempting to clean and its helpful, but I wonder why is it I know what to do and he only knows half of it?

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  • Yes. Mine knows how and does.  He's more of a cleaner than I am.
  • He's actually better at cleaning than I am (more thorough) but he rarely chooses to do so.  I do wonder if I suddenly stopped, he'd start doing it more.  He always looks around and says "the place doesn't need it."  Right, because I JUST CLEANED IT. 
  • Omg, that would drive me crazy! You have every right to still be peeved, seriously. I know a lot of Hs are like that, but I have to roll my eyes at them. Is there any way you can talk to him about it, try to make him see the light help you?

    FWIW, DH didn't always clean - when we were dating in college, he and his roommate (his best friend) had the. grossest. room. And they lived in a suite w/6 other guys, and non one ever cleaned the bathroom. All year. It was DISGUSTING. His best friend ended up being our best man (and a close friend of both of us) and gave a speech out our wedding about how DH passed the test of our love by actually cleaning that bathroom for me. Lol. Which was so sweet, although he had missed a huge streak of green slime - hadn't even noticed it was still there. But he has always had the desire to help me out and be a solid team, so he's learned little by little. Now, we clean the bathrooms every other Saturday during DD's nap - DH takes one and I take the other, and we're both done in time to have some relaxation! We split other chores similarly...

  • He does know how, but he would never think to do it on his own!  I'm not kidding that he just doesn't notice if something is dirty!  If I ask him to help he'll ask exactly what I want done and do it very well in about 3x the time it would take me lol!
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  • Yes. He drives me bonkers so I do not allow him to clean.

    In our old house, before I insisted on bringing in a cleaning person, he would vacuum the floors, swiffer, mop, and then swiffer. Are you fing kidding me? I don't work all week to spend hours cleaning our tiny house. Drove me crazy!

  • He does more than me.  He does everything but the bathroom.  One cooks the other cleans up, & we share laundry duty.
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