
wwyd: regaurding being sick

DD was at school this morning and she threw up at 11 and had a temp of 99.6 and was given motrin.  DD did eat some crackers shortly after and has kept them down and same with some gingerale.  Took temp at 430 and it was 97.9 under the arm and gave some more tyn.  do we feed her a real dinner or crackers and soup?  She is also asking for her choc milk can i give her that?  SHe is acting compltely normal running around and everything.  She has never thrown up before so not really sure what to do.

thank you

Re: wwyd: regaurding being sick

  • If she is running around, she is probably ok. I would still give mer crackers and soup, but maybe the chocolate milk, too.
  • Well I don't consider 99.6 a temp at all, so maybe the throwing up was a fluke? If she is asking for choc milk i would give it to her and see.
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