I'm on the Oakland County Coalition for Good Parenting and we just got funding for this program. It is absolutely amazing the level of help this program will provide. I'll C&P the info from the flyer below. If you want contact info, PM me with your email addy and I will forward it.
Services Include: parent guidance consultation interactive coaching service coordination parent education In-home service provided at no cost to families meeting eligibility requirements IF YOUR BABY OR TODDLER: ?? Cries a lot ?? Is often fussy or irritable ?? Is easily over stimulated or distressed by sounds, sights, and activity ?? Does not like to be held, bathed, dressed or cuddled ?? Is hard to satisfy ?? Has trouble falling and staying asleep ?? Has difficulty with feedings ?? Does not want to play the usual baby games with you ?? Has very intense reactions and/or temper tantrums ?? Is a lot more negative or uncooperative than most other children his/her age The Infant and Family specialists in the Fussy Baby Program work with parents and their young children so that: ?? they can enjoy each other more, and more often ?? parents have more ways to comfort and work with their sensitive, challenging youngster ?? stress for both babies and parents is reduced ?? parents receive support and help with the important job of being a parent
Re: MI moms: if your baby ever cries