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Would you pronounce these two names the same way (in English)?
Can anyone spell the phonetic pronunciation of the second one for me as it would be pronounced in French? Is it Teh-rez?
wellfleet04:I think those would most often be pronounced differently (Ter-eh-za or Tuh-ree-sa AND Ter-ez or Ter-eese).
I agree
Theresa=Tuh-ree-suh or Ter-ees-uh
Therese=Tuh-rees or Ter-ees
Justinlove: wellfleet04:I think those would most often be pronounced differently (Ter-eh-za or Tuh-ree-sa AND Ter-ez or Ter-eese). I agree Theresa=Tuh-ree-suh or Ter-ees-uh Therese=Tuh-rees or Ter-ees
I agree with the above. If you want a Teh not a Ter sound then spell the names Teresa or Terese. Teresa is the Italian/Spanish spelling.
To answer your question specifically, the pronunciation of the second one in French would be like tuh-Race
And no, in English the two would not be pronounced identically.
Re: Name pronunciation question....
I agree
Theresa=Tuh-ree-suh or Ter-ees-uh
Therese=Tuh-rees or Ter-ees
I agree with the above. If you want a Teh not a Ter sound then spell the names Teresa or Terese. Teresa is the Italian/Spanish spelling.
To answer your question specifically, the pronunciation of the second one in French would be like tuh-Race
And no, in English the two would not be pronounced identically.