I have already gone to L&D at 26 wks and got Terbutaline and the contractions stopped. ?Well, last night I started getting a lot of contractions after going to Borders for 10 minutes. ?I got dropped off right in front of the doors and walked right to what I was buying, got it and left but apparently that was too much.
?I got home and had 8 contractions the first hour. ?Drank LOTS of water and had 5 the next hour and the next hour but then only had 3 so I went to bed. ?This morning I woke up and have only gotten out of bed 2x to go to the bathroom and I had 4 the first hour and it seems like it's going to be like this for the next hour. ?My peri said I can have 5 an hour. ?But my question is can I have 5 an hour consistently for hours? ?I'm drinking lots of water and my pee is practically clear so I know I'm now dehydrated. ?I will only be 28 wks tomorrow ?
Re: I keep having contractions :(
have you called the doc? you might need to be on oral meds every day - i went into PTL with my son and got the terb shots- but then was on procardia 4x's a day until i delivered.
i would call the doc - that's what they are there for. hope all works out ok!
Always call your doc. Always.
That said, I had more than 10-15 contractions an hour virtually every hour from like 28 weeks on. And my cervix never budged.
Some of us contract a lot. Don't count on it that you're one of them (see above re: call your doct), but, you might be.