
I keep having contractions :(

I have already gone to L&D at 26 wks and got Terbutaline and the contractions stopped. ?Well, last night I started getting a lot of contractions after going to Borders for 10 minutes. ?I got dropped off right in front of the doors and walked right to what I was buying, got it and left but apparently that was too much.

?I got home and had 8 contractions the first hour. ?Drank LOTS of water and had 5 the next hour and the next hour but then only had 3 so I went to bed. ?This morning I woke up and have only gotten out of bed 2x to go to the bathroom and I had 4 the first hour and it seems like it's going to be like this for the next hour. ?My peri said I can have 5 an hour. ?But my question is can I have 5 an hour consistently for hours? ?I'm drinking lots of water and my pee is practically clear so I know I'm now dehydrated. ?I will only be 28 wks tomorrow :(?

Re: I keep having contractions :(

  • have you called the doc? you might need to be on oral meds every day - i went into PTL with my son and got the terb shots- but then was on procardia 4x's a day until i delivered.

    i would call the doc - that's what they are there for. hope all works out ok!

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  • That started happening to me at 31 wks.  The doctors put me on the terbutaline pump and bedrest with bathromm privleges.  It helped minimize the contractions.  I would call your OB.
  • I would call just to be safe, but I'll tell you what I was told.  6 contractions in an hour means lay down on your side and drink lots of water.  If you have atleast 6 more contractions in the 2nd hour while laying down to call.  Friday night I had tons of contractions (more than 6), finally got DD in bed and laid down myself.  Had 5 the first hour followed by 4 the 2nd hour.  I then went to sleep and didn't worry about it as if I had contractions in the night they weren't strong enough to wake me up.  But I also haven't had a history of PTL so I would still call to be safe!
  • Hi there-I was put on bedrest at 26 weeks (last week) for contractions like that after grocery shopping. A couple days later I had a few more at night so I called my OB and he had me take a warm bath & 2 tylenol PM and they slowed down significantly. I wouldn't just do that but you might want to ask your OB how s/he feels about that (it's the benedryl in the tylenol PM that helps) . Also did s/he suggest modified bedrest or anything? ?I've been on mod. BR since the contractions last week & it seems to be helping (I think?!).?I'd definitely call & talk to them about what else you can do. GL!?
  • Always call your doc.  Always.

    That said, I had more than 10-15 contractions an hour virtually every hour from like 28 weeks on.  And my cervix never budged.

    Some of us contract a lot.  Don't count on it that you're one of them (see above re: call your doct), but, you might be.

  • i would call your doctor and take it easy...
  • im sorry, but you should definitely call the doctor. its not worth the risk. i just got off magnesium and am on the terb (still waiting to stabilize in the hospital) and i would not take that risk even at 32 weeks. its scary and you dont want to go to the hospital, but call and just see what they say to do. they may have you up your dose of terb.
  • Thanks for all your advice! ?I just got back from L&D. ?I had another shot of Terb. and was given a prescription for pills to take at home to stop contractions. ?Hopefully the pills will work! ?The FFN test was negative, woo-hoo! ?My DH and I were so relieved and thankful!
  • Glad to hear you got to come home & that FFN was negative! Hope the oral terb works well for you. GL!
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