Hopefully everything is right on track although I guess I really will not know until I schedule my first u/s today (what I am most excited about right now). ?
Very happy thoughts for you!! I had my first official ob appt on Friday and my first ultrasound was the week before that. The baby is measuring on track and the hb was 140. All is looking good!
How are you feeling so far? We need to exchange emails: neesernicole at live dot com.
Very happy thoughts for you!!? I had my first official ob appt on Friday and my first ultrasound was the week before that.? The baby is measuring on track and the hb was 140.? All is looking good!
How are you feeling so far?? We need to exchange emails:? neesernicole at live dot com.
GL today!
I've had some good days lately, previously I had been soooo tired but I think part of that was allergies, which have cleared some. ? How are you feeling? ?Glad everything is looking good!
Yay!? Good thoughts!? Let me know how it goes and when your u/s is!? Can't wait to see pics of the little bean.
I'll email you later. ? Hailey made Callie and Lana Valentine's Day cards (as well as several other people) yesterday : ) She's got ahead start for next year....she is so funny! ??
Re: My first appointment is today.
Very happy thoughts for you!! I had my first official ob appt on Friday and my first ultrasound was the week before that. The baby is measuring on track and the hb was 140. All is looking good!
How are you feeling so far? We need to exchange emails: neesernicole at live dot com.
GL today!
Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
I've had some good days lately, previously I had been soooo tired but I think part of that was allergies, which have cleared some. ? How are you feeling? ?Glad everything is looking good!
My email is kellig64 at hotmail dot com. ??
I'll email you later. ? Hailey made Callie and Lana Valentine's Day cards (as well as several other people) yesterday : ) She's got ahead start for next year....she is so funny! ??
Good thoughts heading your way!
Liam is 5!