So I am currently looking for a new OBGYN since mine is no longer accepting my insurance and is not delivering anymore. I thought that since we moved almost 2 years ago that I would check into the hospitals a little closer to home and find a doctor that delivered at one of those hospitals. The problem I am having is that the hospitals close to me do not have Level III NICUs. My best friend is a nurse at a Level III and she has basically said that I should make sure I am at a hospital with a Level III regardless of complications or not. I completely agree with her. Unfortunately, my DH thinks he is funny. He is constantly saying, "What do you think they did on the Oregon Trail?" So not funny. I am about ready to strangle him. He doesn't realize the difference between a Level II and Level III...major from what I am being told. I do not want to take any chances after over a year of fertility treatments and 1 miscarriage. What is he not getting!!!
Re: DH is so Annoying!