Two Under 2


When did you start showing for #1?

When did you start showing for #2??

Re: Showing

  • I didnt show with #1 until at least 23 weeks or so...Ive been showing with #2 for the last two weeks! so like 15 or so weeks...
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  • I started showing with #1 around 15 weeks or so. I started showing with #2 the minute I POAS.
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  • #1 was about 1 was around 15 weeks

    #2 not yet but I am not even 5 weeks?

  • DD #1:  22-23 weeks

    DD #2:  18 weeks


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  • MrsHKMrsHK member

    DS: A little bit around 13weeks, enough for others to notice closer to 5-6 months.

    DC#2: I feel like I'm showing a good deal this weekend. Maybe similar to 23weeks with DS. I have no idea how far along I am. DH and I were kinda hoping the comparison will help us guess until my u/s next Monday.

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  • I'm with abj22 - somehow I'm already quite poochy and if I wore an actual maternity shirt instead of hiding in a baggy top I'd look quite pregnant. And I'm only 5.5 weeks! I know baby is only like the size of an apple seed right now, so I have no explanation for it. I'm hoping to keep it a secret from the general public until our 1st u/s at 8 weeks though.
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  • DD - around 22 weeks

    DS - as soon as I knew I was pg. LOL.  Like the others, I was huge from the beginning it seemed. I was in maternity clothes from about 8 weeks.

    Odd thing, I gained roughly the same amount and delivered when I was exactly the same weight with both kids. Gained a bit more with DS, but started out lighter.  But both times ended at exactly the same weight. Weird.

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  • imageabj22:
    I started showing with #1 around 15 weeks or so. I started showing with #2 the minute I POAS.

    This is exactly how I feel.  I swear my belly starting bulging out right away.  I'm definitely now looking pg.  Before I could try to suck some if it in but no dice now.  I also starting showing with DD around 15 weeks.

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  • I showed early for #1. Maybe like 15 or 17 weeks.

    I've been showing for weeks already! I am the worst pregnant girl ever!!!

  • Madhatter, thank you for sharing this! I was freaking out this morning when my pants were hard to button at 5.5 weeks. I thought about digging out my Bella Band but that seems so ridiculous to be needing it already. It's encouraging to hear that although you started showing earlier with #2 you didn't keep growing at that rate through the whole pregnancy. I was starting to get nervous over here. :)
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  • With DS I started showing (to other people) around 18-20 weeks. With this pregnancy my jeans didnt fit already before I even knew I was pregnant! I was showing by about 12-13 weeks this time! And I am so huge now, I dont know how I will have room in there for another 10 weeks. :o)
  • I showed very early with both my girls - I don't remember exactly how far along I was when I got my first stranger comments but it was early.

    DD#1 - I was in maternity pants at 9 weeks

    DD#2 - I was in maternity pants at 6 weeks but was so bloated at night before I even got my BFP that I couldn't keep them zipped up.  I ended up smaller with #2 than I was with #1 but #1 was born in June and it was hot so I know that was some of it.  #2 was born during a very cold March.  I gained around 40 pounds with both.

    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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