"Normal day, let me be aware of the treasured day you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart...let me hold you while I may."
i almost choked on my beer! my ds's name is declan nicholas and my dh and i have tristan on our boy list for baby #2 (who is not on his way, but i am very type-a)
BFP on 07/18/08. Miscarriage 07/30/08. BFP 3/25/09. Confirmed second miscarriage, no heartbeat, no growth beyond 7 weeks, 5/19/09. TTC again, on baby aspirin, due to value of 23 on Anticardiolipin Antibodies. BFP 11/15/09. Brown spotting, Beta 3735 11/25/09, Beta 5602 11/28/09. Anticardiolipin Antibodies now negative, still on baby asprin. On 100 mg of Prometrium (progesterone) until 10 weeks. Good heartbeat at 1st appt. 12/16/09. Started taking fish oil. Perigestational hemorrhage and red bleeding 12/17/09. 2nd Ultrasound-8 weeks, still a heartbeat 12/17/09. Baby measured 9 weeks, still a heartbeat 12/23/09. Good NT Scan on 1/8/10, heartbeat 164. EDD 7/28/10. TEAM BLUE! Aidan Thomas born on May 26, 2010.
Baby #2, BFP 11/27/11, EDD 6/5/12. TEAM PINK! Noelle Elizabeth born 4/30/12.
Blessing from God, Blessing from God, Blessing from God, Blessing from God.
i almost choked on my beer! my ds's name is declan nicholas and my dh and i have tristan on our boy list for baby #2 (who is not on his way, but i am very type-a)
sooooooo...i looooove your choices!
mmm, BEER! lol
too funny that your ds's name is Declan Nicholas.. he's a cutie btw.. my FIL passed away and his name was Norman Dennis.. so we wanted to honor him by using his initials...
Re: What's your fav boys name?
current fav is lincoln gregory
Elijah & more :-)
DS's name: Isaac Levi
Others we considered: Micah James, Gabriel, Gideon
TTC #1- unexplained...lost left ovary 4/07 IUI #1 2/10/09-BFN IUI #2 3/5/09-BFN IVF # 1-BFP
TTC#2- FET 4/7/11 BFP, Natural mc 5/5/11 IVF#2 ER 9/13/11, ET 9/16/11, Beta #1 9/27/11 BFP 254 Beta #2 9/30/11 793 -Twins!
Favorite boy's name is Austin (DS's name)
I also love the name Nathan.
I don't have as many favorite boy names as I do girls:
Nikolaos - we will be naming our LO this if it's a boy.
The spelling is a family tradition.
i almost choked on my beer! my ds's name is declan nicholas and my dh and i have tristan on our boy list for baby #2 (who is not on his way, but i am very type-a)
sooooooo...i looooove your choices!
My nephew (19 years old) is Joseph Tristan, I like Tristan Joseph a lot.
My faves are:
Finn (probably the name of DS #2)
Elijah (MN of DS#2)
and Noah (of course)
DS is Jamison so that is name is #1. If we ever have another boy I like:
Jackson (Jack)
Aidan and Brady
Ahh, I love Shea!
I of course LOVE my son's name...but on the list if we have another boy are: Max, Julian, Uriah, Gabriel, Carter, Rafael
I'm starting to like Levi
Those are names i would use
I love a lot of Latino names but I dont' think they would be appropriate for me (a non Latino family) to use, like Joaquin, Mateo and Diego.
My favorite is the one we chose - Luke!
Other favs include:
John Patrick
Kellen (Kel or Kelly for short)
Cassius Michael
We agreed on it immediatly and both of us really really love it (even though we've gotten mixed reveiws)
Aiden Zacharias
Liam, Jamison, Granger for a mn (dad's name)
P/SAIF Welcome
Invisible Finish Line
3T's Traveling Ovary Blog
7DPO Progesterone: low. CD3 BW: normal, HSG: clear
DX: severe MFI (low all 3) and low T. Undergoing replacement therapy.
I obviously love DS's name, Payton Bradley (Bradley is DH name). If we have another boy some day we like:
mmm, BEER! lol
too funny that your ds's name is Declan Nicholas.. he's a cutie btw.. my FIL passed away and his name was Norman Dennis.. so we wanted to honor him by using his initials...