
TMI pregnancy stuff. Did this happen to you? (whines inside)

I have to say that my first pg was great - I felt fantastic the entire time and literally had no complaints.  This time has been different, I'm just way more uncomfortable and I'm only 23wks.  GAH!

First of all, I feel like my undercarriage is totally a swollen mess.  And its sore.  Like someone punched me in the vag.

Second, my sacrum hurts, too.  Maybe sciatica?  But I have no pain going down my legs, my butt just hurts.  All the time.

And last night I noticed that my pubic bone area hurts too.  God, I hope my pubic symphysis isn't separating already.  It hurts to walk and I feel like I'm waddling already.

Anyone with me on this?  Or am I just a giant whiner?

Re: TMI pregnancy stuff. Did this happen to you? (whines inside)

  • You've been traveling a lot this time haven't you?  Maybe that has something to do with it.

    I had a lot more aches and pains with my second too though so it could be just that too.

    Hope it gets a little better for you soon :)

    Mommy to three adorable boys!
  • Nope you are not the only one. the second time was so much more uncomfortable than the first, i started having pain at around 14 weeks, at time I was on bed rest for days, just because the pain down there was so bad. You just have to rest and put your feet up as much as you can, you can also try heating pad, whenever I was laying down, I had a big body pillow between my legs, that also seems to help with the pain.


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  • My second pregnancy sucked comfort wise.  I had lightening crotch by 20 wks. and it didn't go away.  It was a long 19 wks. to say the least.
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  • I have totally been feeling the "kicked in the vag" thing this time. I didn't have the first two pregnancies and it sucks. I started to have PSD towards the end of my pregnancy with Emily and it's gotten much worse this time around. I can barely get out of bed--I have to keep my legs closed very tight and try to roll off the bed and onto the floor without opening my legs. My hubs thinks it's hilarious(jerk)Wink The "kicked in the vag" pain gets worse when I sit in an upright position on a hard surface(like my computer chair). Between the PSD, the vag pressure and pain, BH and the pelvic pressure I've been getting, the only comfortable position for me is laying on my left side. That's not really an option though! At least I have 5 weeks or less to go.
    Evelyn-Mommy to Ben 9.20.05 and Emily 5.14.07 and Callie 7.10.09! Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Yes, I had ALL of those problems with my last several pregnancies!  I actually asked my doc about the swollen vag part last pregnancy.  He said it's because of increased blood flow.  Hang in there :)
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