Two Under 2

Quick question about your pregnancies

DH and I are going to TTC this July or next July, still undecided.  I am so afraid that my next pregnancy is going to be much harder than the first.  My pregnancy with DS was very easy, as was my labor and delivery.  How do your two pregnancies compare so far?  If you had MS with one, did you have it with the other?  Just curious! 
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Re: Quick question about your pregnancies

  • Although I'm not that far along yet, my pg have been almost the same.  No m/s, food cravings or aversions, etc. during the 1st tri for either pg.  Extreme exhaustion with both.  I'm hopeful that I'll avoid the horrible itchy skin rash that I developed with DD around 30 weeks though.

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  • My PGs were very similar. I didn't have MS with either one. Water broke with both--one at 35w, the other at 36.5 weeks. Labor pains were similar, needed Pitocin with #2, #2 ended up in an emergency C-section (her head would not come down--cord wrapped around neck).
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  • So far, this pg has been pretty much the same as my last pg.
  • Two easy pregnancies and two easy vaginal deliveries.  Biggest differences were fatigue that couldn't be indulged with the second pregnancy (darn toddler!) back pain at the end of the second pregnancy and a much, much faster labour and delivery the second time around.


    I kina miss being pregnant.

    promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am
  • I have had 2 incredibly easy pregnancies.  I had no morning sickness with either one, just a bit of mild nausea.  GL with whatever you decide! : )
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  • I am living what you're afraid of. :)

    My first pregnancy and delivery were a total breeze.  Never felt better, and the delivery was a piece of cake.  This pregnancy has been harder.  I had some morning sickness, which I didn't last time, fatigue well into the 2nd tri, and just generally have felt crummy.  I think it is because I'm not able to get as much rest as I need, when I need it.

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  • The first one was the most perfect PG ever. This one is not as good but nothing compared to what I've heard about.

    I've been sick a bit more and over all very?exhausted?and I also had bleeding/spotting issues.

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  • Both have been so easy. My first one I had about 3 weeks of slight morning sickness and this one I had about 3 days of feeling nauseous. The biggest difference is that my body hurts more with this one. My back and hips are killing me! I also have a lot of contractions- especially if I forget to take it easy and relax during the day.
  • I am having really awful morning sickness and major exhaustion right now and it's hard to deal with that and taking care of a 14 month old, house and husband. It's certainly not ideal, but doesn't last forever, so I hold onto that thought and just get through it.
    Honestly, my advide for you would be, regardless of how your next pregnancy will be, you'll still be taking care of a young child while going through it, so if you want to have another one now, don't let the fear of a hard pregnancy deter you...

  • For me each pregnancy got harder and each delivery got easier with each.  I had the most ms with my last but my toddler actually helped keep my mind off of it.  It was pretty awkward dry heaving at the playground though.  My last trimester with the baby however was extremely difficult.  My toddler started running everywhere at about 16 mos when I was like 5 mos pregnant so I knew I was in for it.  Being huge and exhausted anyway was pretty unbearable trying to keep up with a nonstop toddler.
  • both pregnancies were easy and minimal MS with both...deliveries were easy as well--DD 1 9 hours total in labor and DD 2 6 hrs start to finish and i was induced...
  • They are about the same.  I had a pretty easy time with DD though.  This time I tend to "forget" that I am pg because I have so much other stuff to keep my mind occupied.  It seems to have flown by this time around.
  • Mine were about the same, but I was SO much more tired the 2nd time as a toddler does not understand that mommy needs a nap. 

    Delivery was much easier.

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  • Mine were mostly the same, which is to say, mostly very easy, in terms of pregnancy, labor and delivery, and recovery. There were little differences in symptoms, some of which could be explained by the difference between working as a middle school teacher (when pg with #1) and being a sahm with a toddler (when pg with #2), and some of which were just normal hormonal quirks. But they were definitely more similar than they were different.
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