Shopping mall?
I'm close to everything. Literally within 5 minutes. I grew up in the boonies though...where you had to drive 20 minutes to get groceries.
We're planning a move soon and this is a major issue. Do we live in a quaint little beach town close to work but where there isn't much of anything within 25 miles, or do we live in a bigger city and make the 35-minute commute? WWYD?
Re: Poll: How far do you drive to grocery store?
I vote quaint town, but that is me.
We drive 10 minutes to everything. We live in a small town (about 10 minutes to Main Street).
If you are making a long-term move, consider the long-term issues. Kid's activities (do you want to drive half an hour for every music lesson, soccer game) your extended social life...stuff like that.
Even having said that, I vote quaint town. I love small towns! You could not pay me to live in a city.
Fry's/Kroeger is 3 streets away but I usually drive 1/2 a mile to Safeway because they have shopping carts with a double car in the front for the kids.
We are surrounded by restaurants and there are at least 5 24 hour fast food places within 1/2 mile.
The mall is 2 miles away.
I am used to being close to everything. When I am talking to people and they say they have to drive far to get places it seems weird. A quaint beach town does sound nice though.
Very, very close. We are less than a mile to most errands we have to run, yet still live in a quiet neighborhood.
We do most of our grocery shopping on foot, or on bikes if we have more than a couple of things to get (put stuff in the trailer with Benjamin).
I lived in the 'burbs, but a lot of our lives is a great combo of quaint but with all the perks of a more urban place.
I shop at two grocery stores:?
2 miles to one
4 miles to another ?
Our CRAP mall is 10-11 miles away (better ones an hour or so away)?
Target is about 12-13 miles away?
I have 5 grocery stores (not convenience stores, which are closer) all about 4 miles away. I have 2 restaurants on my street, but I don't usually go to them. REAL shopping mall is about 8 miles away. We have strip malls all over, but I didn't count them.
I would love to live in a quaint beach town, but 25 miles is way too far out unless you can shop once a month and just pick up milk and stuff at a little store that's closer. (even CVS has some food) I am NOT a city person.
We are 10 minutes from a Kroger (it's expensive and small though cause it's in the middle of nowhere), and a good 25 minutes from Meijer.
The mall is at least 30-40 minutes away.
I have a love/hate relationship with where we are. I love the fact that we're in a small town and it's super quiet. I hate the fact that there's no stores out here, and that the pizza places only deliver until 10pm on a Saturday.
Grocery store - It takes less than 10 minutes on city streets
Restaurants - 10-20 minutes
Shopping mall - 10-15 minutes at most
I say quaint beach town. I would rather have a short drive to work and just have to make a slightly longer drive to shop, eat out, etc. than have a long drive to work five days a week and closer food, shopping, etc. H currently commutes 30 miles each way on top of having a very physical job that requires him to drive to multiple locations every day and I can tell you, it definitely takes a toll on him by the time he gets home.
Christian Alexander - 11/13/06
Amelia Rose & Owen Thomas - 3/29/11