how did your second delivery compare to your first? I've heard that the second time around it's a lot easier usually. Just wanted some opinions, I will be induced Tuesday.
I was induced with babies # 2 & # 4. The induction didn't work with #2 (I was 11 days overdue) & they stopped it completely after 36 hours of absolutely NO progress- not even a single CM! 48 hours after I was admitted for that induction, our DD was born without any help from Pitocin! I went into labor on my own about 6-8 hours after they unhooked the Pitocin.
Baby #4 went much more smoothly. I was induced at 11am (I was 9 days overdue) & DS was born at 8pm on the head. Text book.
I was induced with all 3. Inductions 1 and 2 went smoothly. #2 was much quicker (3 hours). #3 was awful. I was on pitocin for something like 12 hours before anything happened. Baby was flipped the wrong way, got stuck coming out, and needed forceps to be delivered.
I was not dilated or effaced with any of them and they were all 41+ weeks.
DD~ induction started at 6am, DD came at 229pm, she was sunny side up and i had a 4th degree tear (horrible recovery)- 2+ hrs of pushing, 3cm at start
DS-induction at 8am, DS came at 247pm, ?remarkable recovery. ?45 mins of pushing. ? My doctor said she wanted me to labor longer so they broke my water later....i was 5cm to start
1st pregnancy (Jacob) - Was a breeze, didn't feel a thing, labor was about 10 hours with 2 hours of pusing.
2nd pregnancy (Katie) - Went by faster by about two hours, 45 minutes of pushing. It was more uncomfortable because I felt a lot of pressure for about an hour before I was complete to push, but Katie was 2 pounds heavier than my first.
3rd pregnancy (Ellie)- Labored for about the same amount of time as with Katie, but pushed for maybe 3 minutes. It was a lot easier and Ellie was 2 pounds lighter than with Katie.
I was induced at 41wks. with both. DS#1 total delivery was 3hrs. With 3 pushes, he was out. Very easy labor, difficult recovery
DD#2 total delivery was 1.5 hours, with 4 pushes she was out. However, labor was much more difficult---larger tear than with DS and contractions were much quicker, and more intense...At 6cm, I was dying--lost complete control of my whole body. But, my recovery was so much easier.
#1-Induced at 37w2d because of pre-e. Starting process at 4pm (with balloon catheter). Pitocin at 10pm. At 10cm at 5am. Pushed for 2 hours. Then forceps. Born at 7:24
#2-Induced on due date (elective). Checked into hospital at midnight. Given oral dose of cytotec at 1:30am. Pitocin at 9:30. Fully dilated at 1:20, baby born at 2:19
#2 felt WAY shorter and better, though when I read it above, it doesn't sound much better. It felt a lot shorter because I actually slept from 1:30 to 6-7ish (waking to pee and asking for IV pain meds at 5am or so).
Re: If you were induced with #1 and #2 ...
I was induced with babies # 2 & # 4. The induction didn't work with #2 (I was 11 days overdue) & they stopped it completely after 36 hours of absolutely NO progress- not even a single CM! 48 hours after I was admitted for that induction, our DD was born without any help from Pitocin! I went into labor on my own about 6-8 hours after they unhooked the Pitocin.
Baby #4 went much more smoothly. I was induced at 11am (I was 9 days overdue) & DS was born at 8pm on the head. Text book.
GL on Tuesday!!
I was induced with #2 and #3. Everything went about the same. But #3 was definitely more intense but she was almost double the weight of #2.
I was induced with all 3. Inductions 1 and 2 went smoothly. #2 was much quicker (3 hours). #3 was awful. I was on pitocin for something like 12 hours before anything happened. Baby was flipped the wrong way, got stuck coming out, and needed forceps to be delivered.
I was not dilated or effaced with any of them and they were all 41+ weeks.
Good luck Tuesday!! Update us when you can:)
DD~ induction started at 6am, DD came at 229pm, she was sunny side up and i had a 4th degree tear (horrible recovery)- 2+ hrs of pushing, 3cm at start
DS-induction at 8am, DS came at 247pm, ?remarkable recovery. ?45 mins of pushing. ? My doctor said she wanted me to labor longer so they broke my water later....i was 5cm to start
I was induced with all three of my pregnancies.
1st pregnancy (Jacob) - Was a breeze, didn't feel a thing, labor was about 10 hours with 2 hours of pusing.
2nd pregnancy (Katie) - Went by faster by about two hours, 45 minutes of pushing. It was more uncomfortable because I felt a lot of pressure for about an hour before I was complete to push, but Katie was 2 pounds heavier than my first.
3rd pregnancy (Ellie)- Labored for about the same amount of time as with Katie, but pushed for maybe 3 minutes. It was a lot easier and Ellie was 2 pounds lighter than with Katie.
I was induced at 41wks. with both. DS#1 total delivery was 3hrs. With 3 pushes, he was out. Very easy labor, difficult recovery
DD#2 total delivery was 1.5 hours, with 4 pushes she was out. However, labor was much more difficult---larger tear than with DS and contractions were much quicker, and more intense...At 6cm, I was dying--lost complete control of my whole body. But, my recovery was so much easier.
#1-Induced at 37w2d because of pre-e. Starting process at 4pm (with balloon catheter). Pitocin at 10pm. At 10cm at 5am. Pushed for 2 hours. Then forceps. Born at 7:24
#2-Induced on due date (elective). Checked into hospital at midnight. Given oral dose of cytotec at 1:30am. Pitocin at 9:30. Fully dilated at 1:20, baby born at 2:19
#2 felt WAY shorter and better, though when I read it above, it doesn't sound much better. It felt a lot shorter because I actually slept from 1:30 to 6-7ish (waking to pee and asking for IV pain meds at 5am or so).