
Paging FaeryStarGazer!!!

I would like to be added to the PVT board...pretty please :)
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Xander, Hayden & Lily 5 1/2 and Jericho 3 My Blog!

Re: Paging FaeryStarGazer!!!

  • Me too please!  I applied yesterday.  I'm barely ever on the bump these days but now that I'm about to be on summer vacation from work I'll be ready to read and post!


  • I just re-checked my status from the login I created yesterday and it said "pending approval."  I wish I could say that I was able to have someone know me IRL, but given my circumstances (since 6 weeks PG with twins, my DH and I have been living on a temp. transfer to London), I was hoping that I could still be considered. I post here everyday and would love the opp. to post with other MoMs who used to be on this board when I first came here and have since moved to the PVT (understandably so). Since I'm so far away from home, this has been such a blessing to be able to chat and relate with other women who are PG with multiples and/or learn valuable advice from those who already have multiples. Thanks! 

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  • What's the PVT board? If everyone has/is moving over there I would like to join too!!! You ladies have been a wealth of information and helped me keep my sanity throughout my pregnancy - now that my twin girls have arrived I'm not on as much - but I would still love to be able to post with you all!  How do I apply??
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