I have been updating stuff for 3 hours. 3 HOURS. The web host gets their _shit together after 3 days of "server attacks" on their systems.
I get a nice message from them saying "thank you for being patient with us as we fixed the problems. Your website system has been recovered to "such and such date."
hey*** I need it to bring back 3 hours of my life I just wasted. Thanks for the heads up on "recovering my data". How about sending out an email saying "please don't bother to update while we have these issues because all new info will be lost."
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Re: my head may explode.
::::handing over bottle of booze:::: Here, you need this more then me!
Bottoms up!
that should have said _shit_***..
I will be getting a big bottle of wine and taking care.
wow... I haven't heard that term in a LONG time. That brings back some memories. LOL