leiann2003: most people will say they have no idea who I am!
bostonmama: I have a feeling most of you view me as annoying, we will see who agrees....other than that - the mom with the cute girls
august0605bride: I'm a snob whose posts people read but don't respond to

happ17: I have a feeling that some folks see me
as a version of Wilhelmina Slater (Vanessa Williams' character from
Ugly Better). And, mom of PAC with the cute smile and married to a chef
Reagan's Mommy: I'd say that most people that recognize me think I ask too many questions and that my posts are too long/wordy.
mlm1128: most people probably think "How the hell is she so clueless" since I
only seem to post when I have sleep or potty issues with dd. They probably think I over indulge her too, which would be true.
asianbymarriage: newbie
amiamish: I think others view me as a PW and annoying because I put too many "..." in my post...or other reasons. LOL
femmegem: I think people view me as someone who moves a lot. Which is true. I do. And I fear that they think I whine way too much and freak out over every little thing. Which I do when I'm not on my meds, btw. I totally second-guess myself and I'm REALLY hard on myself, which I think is pretty apparent in my posts.
dailyght: I think people think I come across like a know it all
camrude: I think people recognize me, but don't know much about me.
mommyofalyssa: I think people recognize my name but probably don't know a whole lot about me.
My babies!!
Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11

Re: Reverse Know Your Nestie List
Car pool is leaving...I will answer when I get home.
photos by jennied photography
Alissa Jean