I saw your page about using acupuncture. I did moxibustion. You buy moxi sticks from an acupuncturist. You light it and hold it as close to the side of your little toe as you can for 15 minutes each side. I had my husband hold it for me. I think you have to do it for like 10 days or so and it's best done when you are around 36W. Much later and it won't work.
I can't find the specific link that I used but there are lots and any acupuncturist should have them and people able to tell you exactly what to do (plus there is lots of good info online).
I don't know what worked for me but I had an appt on Tues showing him breech/scheduled the version for Saturday and he had flipped by Friday. I also tried laying with my head down and hips and feet elevated. And putting warm pad on my lower belly and cold on top.
Good luck. It sucks, I know! I so didn't want the C after having DD vaginally.
Re: ~~~Viva~~~
Thank you! I have read about that through my research today. It's all just so overwelming but luckily the shock is wearing off and I feel like I'm in a better position now to evaluate my options. DH will have a long talk this weekend and they're supposed to call 1st thing Monday morning to schedule either the version, c-sec or both depending on what we decide. In the meantime, I'm going to be spending most of my waking hours like this and hoping for the best! Thanks for all your input! Have a great weekend.
You too! Just as an FYI, I would have done the version. My friend though was in the exact same situation as me (baby #2, breech) but she missed her opportunity to do the version and had the C. She said it was not bad at all. She said she had an episiotomy with her first and felt that was more difficult to recover from than the C.
I also found this video of my OB doing a version. Maybe you could tell yours to do it like this if you end up trying it:
I've heard it's painful but this doesn't look so bad