
Day 2 of pottytraining...this is alot of work.

Maybe she is just not ready.  I am going to give it one more day then take a break for a month or so....arggg.

She has still yet to potty in the pot...BLAH!


Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers imageimage

Re: Day 2 of pottytraining...this is alot of work.

  • I said this in your other post, but I don't know if you read it.

    Are you putting her on the potty after an accident? She may not be emptying her bladder when she has an accident.


  • Have you read Potty Training in 3 Days? I'm not following it strictly, but it has some great ideas that I am implementing. We just started it this morning and so far only one tiny accident. Do you have DD sans pants? When we introduced the potty originally, we left DD to just run around bare assed and that really helped. We've been PTing on and off kind of half heartedly for a while and this was a great tool for us in the beginning. Now that we are full on PTing we invested in some panties that DD picked out and she is very concerned about not peeing on Cinderella Smile
    Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/9/11 - 34:24 - 1st race evah!
    Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
    Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
    Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
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  • yes, I do put her on the potty after she goes, still no pee.  I am a teacher and have the whole summer off so I was hoping we could do this while I have time, but as work on their own schedules.  Ahhhh..oh well, it looks like we will have to try later.
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers imageimage
  • Here is the 3 Day Potty Taining thing I mentioned if you are interested in reading.

    Easy Potty Training By Lora Jensen Is Your Child Ready?

    One of thebiggest mistakes a parent can make when potty training their child is waitingtoo long to start. Many moms and dads tell me that they are waiting for theirchild to show signs of readiness before they begin. Some moms are still sayingthat when the child is 3, 4 and even 5 years old. I personally believe that 96%of all kids are ready at a much earlier age. I get many moms and dads that saythat their child doesn?t talk well or they don?t understand everything that issaid to them. Let me just say that your child does not, let me repeat, does notneed to know how to talk well. He or she does not need to be able to say?Mommy, I need to go to the bathroom because I need to use the potty.? Babytalk works just as well.

    Now with theunderstanding that your child doesn?t need to talk well to be ready for pottytraining, what are some of the signs of readiness? There is a test that you cando to check for readiness but first you need to make sure your child is notgoing to bed with a bottle or cup. This is very important. Besides the factthat it?s very unhealthy for a child to sleep with a bottle, children thatsleep with bottles or sipper cups can not wake up dry in the morning, it?s justimpossible. So before you can begin potty training your little one you need towork on breaking them from this habit.

    Once a child stops drinking from a bottle orsipper through the night, you will be ready to do your readiness test. Thistest is a test only you can do and it?s a true test to the readiness of your littleone. 1) Stop giving your child liquids about 2 hours before bedtime. 2) Youneed to put a clean dry diaper on your little one just before you put them downfor bed. 3) In the morning, just as your child is waking up you need to go andcheck the diaper. If your child?s diaper is dry, he is ready!!!! An importantnote : It is very important that you check your little ones diaper just as heor she is waking up. You can even wake him or her up to check. Most bed wettingis done just as the child is waking up.

    FAQ?s aboutreadiness At what age can I start doing the readiness test on my child? You canstart checking for readiness as early as 16 months but I have found that girlsare usually ready around 18 months and boys are usually ready around 22 months.My child can?t tell me that he has to go to the bathroom, should I wait untilhe?s older? There is no need to wait until your child can talk. Your child canshow you signs. My son is now 3 ? and still can?t talk but he was potty trainedat 22 months and in less then two days. So please don?t let your little oneslack of verbal skills keep you from potty training.

    My child is 3 years old and he still wakes upwet, what do I do? Try this when testing your little one. Stop liquids two tothree hours before bed. Change his diaper just before you put him down for bed.Once he?s gone to sleep and just before you head to bed yourself, go in andcheck his diaper. If he?s wet then he could be wetting his diaper just as hesettles down for the night and this will resolve itself during training. Ifhe?s dry then make sure to go into his bedroom about an hour before he usuallywakes up and check his diaper. He might be waking sooner then you think. Mychild has a bottle before bed, can I still potty train? Yes you can, but keepin mind that you should make sure to do the readiness test. If you find thatthe night time bottle or cup is causing your child to still wet the bed atnight, then you should consider eliminating that bottle altogether. My childlikes to have a drink before going to bed, will this be ok? If your child isuse to getting a drink before bed then yes, go ahead but try just putting a fewsips on water in a cup for your little one, just enough to wet their throat. Mylittle one just turned two, should I wait to potty train? Nope, you should dothe readiness test and if they are ready then you should potty train ASAP. Ihave found that most children are ready by the time they are 2 years old,regardless if they are a boy or girl. My boys have all been potty trained atthe age of 22 months, and my foster daughter was potty trained at 19 months. Ialso believe that the older the child gets the harder the training is on boththe child and the parent. Don?t put it off!! The thing is? children are usuallyready long before their parents are!So the bigquestion is???Are You Ready? I know that sounds like a funny question to beasking because it?s the child that?s

    being potty trained, not the parent?buthonestly, are you ready ? So why am I asking this question? It?s because tofollow my method of potty training you (the parent) must truly be ready. Youneed to be resigned to the fact that you are going to have an ugly mess on yourhands for about three days. Let?s face it; changing potty diapers is much easierthan changing potty underwear. PLAIN and SIMPLE - You have to be willing togive up three days. If you are a working mother you need to plan on stayinghome on a Friday or on a Monday to do this. I suggest taking both off so youcan celebrate on the fourth day! That and get some sleep. If you are a stay athome mom, that?s even better! If you have other children at home, you mightwant to have them stay with someone during the days so you can focus on thechild that is being potty trained. You really don?t have to do this but itcould help. Another important reason for me asking if you are ready is becauseonce you start using this method you can?t stop, no matter how hard it gets.It?s really messy and you will get discouraged during these three days, but youmust stick with it because if you don?t, you will be sending your child mixedsignals and messages about potty training. Also if you start and then give upit?s going to be very hard to potty train your little one later.

    FAQ?s aboutthe parent being ready I don?t have three days to potty train as I can not gettime off from work; can this still work for me? It could be hard but many kidsdo potty train in less then the three days. You should probably start the pottytraining process the second you get home from work on Friday and then reallyfocus and follow the method very closely and you should be ok. Make sure thatyour daycare provider understands that you had potty trained over the weekendand to not put a diaper on the child. I have other kids at home and I can?tleave them with a sitter, how do I handle this? Trust me, I have five boys anda baby girl, I know how hard it is to get someone that can watch the otherswhile you potty train. So if you can?t?that I just fine. Just plan your daysout before you start the potty training process. Make sure you have things forthe other kids to do so you can focus mainly on the little one you aretraining. What if I do get frustrated and I just can?t handle the mess, thenwhat? Try to remember that if you start and then stop, you are only sendingmixed messages to your little one and it will be hard to potty train him or herwhen you try again. You can also think about the money you will be saving bypotty training. The savings of having your little one potty trained is about$150. That?s a good penny!!

    Well now thatyour little one is ready and YOU are ready for this adventure??What do youneed? Yup there are some things you will need to get before you can start. Youmight already have these things and if you do, that?s super but if you don?tyou can easily find the following things at a cheap price at your localWal-Mart. Liquids : You will need to have a lot of yummy liquids on hand. Doesyour child like juice boxes? Then get those. Does your child like juice from acan? Then get that. I like juice boxes and those juices that come in thosepouches. My kids love them and they are quick to use and to clean up. Butwater, milk, chocolate milk, strawberry milk, flavored waters, kool-aid,spritzers or any other type of liquid will be good. Just have lots of good oneson hand for your little one. Snacks : You will need to get snacks/treats. Ilike 100% fruit juice snacks but you can do your choice of snack be it fruit,cookies or anything else. You will need lots of snacks/treats. Wal-Mart has asmiley face fruit snack that is like under a dollar for a box of 10. UnderwearI?m sure you already know that you will need underwear but you probably needmore then what you think. You will need LOTS of them, at least 20 pair. Letyour little one go with you to the store to help pick some of them out. Let himor her pick their favorite character. Do not purchase Pull Ups. These are awaste of money and will confuse your child. If you are going to use my methodsyou can not use Pull Ups. You also need to make sure you buy regular underwear,not the padded kind. I think the padded ones are called ?Training Pants?.Please do not buy these either. You do not have to buy all the same size. Youcan purchase some that are a size or two bigger then what they? need this way when you have finished pottytraining your little one, you can put the bigger ones away until they grow intothem. Potty Chair You can purchase a potty chair if you like. I have alwayspurchased one each time I have potty trained but most of my kids have preferredthe big toilet but it?s still good to have a potty chair on hand. You can alsotry a potty seat to put on the potty. I have never tried them but some momsswear by them.

    FAQ?s aboutwhat you need I don?t feel comfortable with giving my child sugary drinks, whatdo I do? No need to give them sugary drinks. You can give them water, flavoredwaters, milk or anything sugar-free! The key is just having drinks that yourchild likes on hand. I have lots of pull-ups that I would like to use up, willthis be ok? NO!! To use my Easy Potty Training Method, you can NOT usePull-Ups, not even at night. You must get rid of them. Why can?t I use paddedunderwear or pull-ups? Pull-ups and padded underwear make your child feel likethey are wearing a diaper. This will make them feel that it?s ok to pee inthem. There is more info later in the guide about this subject. Do I have togive snacks/treats to my child? IT does work well for the method but you arewelcome to not give a food item. You can do small little tiny toys or stickers.

    Well now thatyou have all the supplies you need?? Let?s get started!! On the day you starthave your child put on the ?Big Boy/Girl Pants?. Make sure to call them that.Once they have put them on be sure to tell your child how big they look and howproud you are of them for being SO big. They like being called big so rememberto call your little one a big boy or big girl often! Now you take your childand have them throw away all the unused diapers. All of them!! You have to dothis for you and for your little one. There is NO going back now. Tell yourchild that they don?t need those yucky baby diapers anymore. They are Big andall grown up! If at anytime your child says he wants the diaper tell him thatthey are all gone. Make sure you stick to this. They might ask or even cry forthem back because of the comfort they have with them. After all, they have beenwearing them for about 2 years!! I suggest you just put the underwear and shirton him/her. Don?t put pants or a dress on. It?s harder to see what they aredoing when they have them on.

    Now, startgiving the little one their favorite liquids. Never stop offering them theliquids. Have them drink all day. If they are tired of one kind of liquid, tryanother. The more they drink the more they will need to go to the bathroomwhich means more opportunities to train. Now spend the whole day around yourchild. Become buddies. This doesn?t mean you have to never take your eyes offof them BUT you should stay close and be near him/her. You should try playingwith them on the floor. It?s so important to catch them in the act of going peeor pooping each and EVERY TIME. The more you catch them in the act the fasterthe training will go. Tell your little one to ?tell mommy/daddy when you haveto go pee because you are a big boy/girl.? Remind your little one every coupleof minutes to tell you if they need to go ?pee-pee? or ?potty?. This is veryimportant. You must keep reminding them because it helps them to remember. Youcan ask them if they have to go pee or potty, but if they always say ?NO? thenyou should mix it up with asking them to tell you when they have to go. Whenyou see your child peeing or pooping in their pants, pick your little one up inthe middle of him/her going and run them to the bathroom and sit them on thetoilet as fast as you can. Have them finish on the toilet. When you are pickingthem up don?t yell, don?t call them bad. Just say ?Yuck, that?s gross. You?re abig boy/girl; you?re supposed to go pee-pee/potty in the big boy/girl toilet.?After you have placed them on the toilet and they finish up in the toilet say?Good boy/girl, I knew you could do it.?

    Now give thema snack. Don?t say the snack is for going pee or pooping in the toilet though.You will repeat this step over and over. You will probably need to do laundryif you don?t have enough underwear. My oldest son went through 46 pairs ofunderwear his first day. But by the end of day two he was done. Keep askingyour child about having to go pee/potty. When you finally get a yes and they dogo in the toilet, without first starting somewhere else, you go ?crazy?. Jumpup and down, tell them how big they are and how proud you are of? them and how they are all grown up. Keep clappingyour hands and really make them feel good about themselves. Once they are donegoing you need to tell them ?let?s call Daddy at work? or ?let?s call grandma?.Actually you can call anyone that would praise your little one. Make thebiggest deal out of this!! They need to see how great of an act it was for themto go in the potty. Be aware that you will still need to ask about them needingto go pee-pee. But every time they go in the toilet act the same way.

    Don?t evermake the child just sit on the toilet. This is a mistake a lot of parents make.They get so discouraged about the child peeing in their pants that they placethem on the toilet and say that they are staying there until they go. This is abad mistake. It causes the child to be scared of using the toilet and willcause the child to have a harder time with training. My boys have all likedstanding to go pee and that?s why they have all liked the big toilet over thebaby one. But that?s another reason I have had such a mess. It is ok for you tohelp your child go to the bathroom. Even three year olds need help with aimingand getting on the toilet. They might even need help with wiping. My boys haveall needed to stand on my feet so they could reach. If you don?t want to helpyour child every time then maybe you are not ready for this. I have also foundthat my boys like sitting backwards on the potty because they don?t feel as ifthey are going to fall in. This works well for both boys and girls.

    Once bed timecomes, stop giving your little one liquids about two to three hours before bedtime. Take them to the bathroom and say ?it?s time to go pee.? And if they needto go have them go and then put them to bed. Make sure you don?t put a diaper,a pull up or training pants on him/her. The child needs to feel if they aregoing to the bathroom. If they pee in the middle of the night, get up changethings and put them back to bed. It is very important to wake up before they doso as soon as you see them waking up you can have them go to the bathroom andgo pee. All children need to go when they wake up, so be quick. Everyday afterthe first day will be the same. But some time in the three days it will justclick, and they will be potty trained.

    But eventhough they don?t pee or potty their pants anymore doesn?t mean you can stopasking them if they need to go. Children get distracted. They need reminding.Please remember to only use underwear. It?s the feeling of pee dripping downtheir little legs that really feels gross. It is what helps them train. Alsomake sure you never threaten your child with putting the diaper back on them,no matter how discouraged you get. And remember that it will get better. Thefirst day is the worst. The more you use this method the better you will get.Also, if you do need to go somewhere anytime during the three days or anytimeafter the first week, make sure that you still keep asking them if they need togo, and if they do, pull over, get to something quick!!!! My advice is to juststay home, it?s easier. After the three days, if you have a boy, just bring acup so if you are in the car and can?t stop they can pee in that. If you have agirl bring a little potty? so they canuse that. This was a tip my sister-in-law shared as she keeps one in her vanfor her girls.

    FAQ?s abouttraining I have a baby that still uses diapers so I can?t throw all the diapersaway. How will this work? Make sure that you keep your son/daughters diapersseparate from the baby?s diapers for about a week. Call the baby?s diapers the?baby?s diapers?. Make sure they know that they are different sizes. I can?tget my child to drink very much, what can I do? Don?t force your child todrink. You can keep offering them the liquids but NEVER force the liquids asthat is not healthy. Some of the things you can try to get your little one todrink more is to try a different type of drink. You can have him/her help youmix up the drink. You can also try popsicles. What if I can?t catch my childmessing their pants? This is one question I get a lot and it?s the one questionthat frustrates me the most. You shouldn?t be having a problem catching yourchild in the act of going pee or pooping if you are staying close to them. It?sso important to make these three days all about them. If you are sitting with him/her,watching TV, or playing a game with him/her, I promise you will know when theyare going in their pants. You must catch them in the act as close to EVERYSINGLE TIME. The more you catch them in the act, the faster the training willgo, I promise!! Do I give a snack/treat even if they don?t finish in the potty?No, you should only give the treat if they finish going on the potty. Even alittle bit is good. How long do I need to give them a snack/treat? Only untilthey start going on their own. Once they are going pee and potty more in thetoilet then in their pants you can stop with the snacks. Do I have to stayinside the whole three days? No you do not but you should remember that youneed to stay close to your little one. You should make sure to be close to thebathroom. Going outside and playing is ok if you are playing with him/her. CanI just put a diaper on him at night? No, this method is for day and nighttraining and should not do one without the other. This will also give mixedsignals to your child about the whole diaper thing. It?s the end of the firstday and I see no sign of this working for my son, what should I do? Do NOT giveup. Some kids show no sign that they are getting this but if you are consistentand catch them in the act every single time you will see things ?click? foryour little one in the second or third day. My child seemed to have fun withthis on the first day but now she won?t even site on the potty. How do I gether to have fun with it again? Well it doesn?t need to be ?fun? but you shouldnot give up. The newness might have worn off and now you must be consistent toshow your little one that this is how it must be. Be consistent and it will endup clicking for your little one. How can I potty train my child when he is soscared of the toilet? A few suggestions on this ? One, you might want to letthem go to the store with you to help you pick out a potty or seat cover. Theyhave some really fun seat covers now. They have Dora, Sponge Bob and a fewothers at Wal-Mart. You can also try letting your child sit on the pottybackwards, this will make them not feel like they are falling in. Remember tonever force your child to just sit on the potty, even though they don?t have togo. My child sits on the potty and doesn?t go, and when she gets up, she goespee on the floor, can I make her sit on the potty until she does go? You shouldnever make her just sit on the potty. Try turning the water on and letting itrun. The sound of the water running helps with the urge to go. If this doesn?thelp, just make sure that when she starts to get up and then starts going, haveher sit right back down on the potty. Your method is working like a charm onthe pee part of the training but my little guy is having trouble with goingpoop. He seems to be holding it. Do you have any suggestions on how to get himto go potty? Please Note: Only do these steps if the regular method wasn?tworking. The Easy Potty Training Method really works for poop as well as pee.Again the key is catching the child in the act. The more you catch them in theact the faster the training will go. If your little one seems to have a problemwith the potty part try sitting him down and have him help you make a chart.Tell him that you will give him a star for each time he goes poop in the potty.Let him know that after he gets 10 stars he will get a ??.? Make it somethinghe really wants. You can also try high fiber foods!

    Consistency:Consistency is SO important to your child?s success. If you can?t be consistentwith your child you will find that following this or any other method willsimply be unsuccessful. Consistency in dealing with children is recommended ifyou want to be an effective parent and potty trainer. Some level of consistencyis needed for children to learn the lessons of potty training. Children learneasier when learning conditions remain consistent. I have found thatconsistency is the reason why some parents can potty train faster then others.If you truly want this to work and you want to succeed then please be willingto be consistent. It?s ONLY three days!!?

    Here are a fewtips! Don?t let your spouse help you do this. Not during the first three days.The child needs only one person doing this with him/her. The other parentshould only be there for praising. If you have been trying to potty train yourchild and it hasn?t worked and that is why you bought this guide, do me a favorand stop doing everything you are doing and wait for 30 days, never talkingabout potty training to the child. It?s not good to confuse the child. Thenstart fresh. PLEASE NOTE : If you would still like to start the potty trainingand not wait the 30 days, it can still work but might take a little longer. Youare welcome to write me and get my opinion on if waiting is a good thing or notfor your situation. It?s very important that you stay close to your child. Makesure you catch them in the act EVERY single time. The more you catch him/herthe faster the training will work. This works for both pee & poop. It helpsto say ?yucky? and ?pew? when you change your child?s diaper for about a monthor more before they are ready to potty train. Get them really hating to havethat diaper on. Don?t let your child run around naked during the pottytraining. It doesn?t help. Good Luck. I really hope this guide helps you. Bepatient, and please don?t forget to love your child! A closing note: I wrotethis guide to help others. This method has worked for me and many otherparents. I am not a doctor and I do not claim to be one. If you are concernedabout your child please consult their doctor. -?

    Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/9/11 - 34:24 - 1st race evah!
    Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
    Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
    Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
  • Wow, that formatting is messed up! LOL Maybe move it to a word document to read it. Good luck!
    Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/9/11 - 34:24 - 1st race evah!
    Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
    Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
    Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
  • Thanks girls.  I think I am going to buy that book and hope it helps.  I would have never guessed pottytraining could be so difficult.  Maybe I am just making it harder than it really should be.


    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers imageimage
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