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If I showed you a picture of the scrap piles I have left it would be sickening.
I don't know why I hold on to them. I should have purged long ago!
MAybe I will start buying a monthly bag from you, I'm sure it still wouldn't even put a dent in what you have.
Sooo excited to get it. Have you seen filminthefridge? I love some of her stuff.
love her!!!!!!!!
I have a quilt all cut up and ready to assemble after looking at her website. I just need the time. Currently instead of sewing I am fixing crazy errors on the main website.
I need to add HTML to the lists of "things to learn"!
Re: Stubbs.............
If I showed you a picture of the scrap piles I have left it would be sickening.
I don't know why I hold on to them. I should have purged long ago!
MAybe I will start buying a monthly bag from you, I'm sure it still wouldn't even put a dent in what you have.
Sooo excited to get it. Have you seen filminthefridge? I love some of her stuff.
love her!!!!!!!!
I have a quilt all cut up and ready to assemble after looking at her website. I just need the time. Currently instead of sewing I am fixing crazy errors on the main website.
I need to add HTML to the lists of "things to learn"!