Two Under 2

Recommend a bassinet

We are thinking we'll want to have the new baby stay in our room until s/he is STTN. Then they'll share a room for awhile after that. We have very limited room in our room so we're figure a PNP, but maybe now we're thinking a bassinet will be better for our room.

WDYT? As I'm searching I'm finding that bassinets vary widely. Some with some great 3in1 type abilities. Any recommendations?

Proverbs 12:10 "A righteous man cares for the needs of his animals ChipMonkey 3/19/08 *** Turtle 1/26/10 *** CarBear 10/06/11

Re: Recommend a bassinet

  • You can get a 1/2 PNP with bassinet.

    Thought we are using the regular PNP.

  • We really enjoyed using a moses basket for our girls for the first 3 months each time.  We had it on a stand in our bedroom, but when we travelled (which we did a lot in the newborn periods) it was light and easily portable. 
    Lindley 5/07 Maysie 9/08 imagepregnancy calendar
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  • we have and love the Arm's reach mini co-sleeper. Its the perfect size for us and after we use it we put it in dd's closet to use for storage of toys and shoes, etc..
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  • We used this one for DD

    I loved it.  We kept all her supplies in the storage in the bottom.  Then when she passed the weight limit for the bassinet, we used it as a playpen.  It is pretty lightweight, so IF we had travelled anywhere when she was little, it would have travelled really nicely.  We plan to use it again...glad I chose a pretty neutral pattern.   

  • imagekada626:
    we have and love the Arm's reach mini co-sleeper. Its the perfect size for us and after we use it we put it in dd's closet to use for storage of toys and shoes, etc..

    This is what we got.  Obviously haven't used it yet but I'm really looking forward to it.  We used a bassinet for DS and I constantly wished that I could just roll over and reach him (mostly to put his pacifier back in his mouth in the middle of the night).  Will be especially nice in the first month after my c-section!

    Caleb.02.01.08 | Asher.07.06.09 | Jude.01.19.12
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