Where do you order these from?? I was thinking of going right
down to my local CVS/Walgreens in their photo dept. But Im
wondering how they come out...Im not that computer savy.....Pls share
if you have done one. Thanks
I have a photo mug of ds that dh gave me when Jack was a baby. I am not sure where he got it from (prob either mall or cvs) and you can barely see the picture. So, I would not get the mug. I made dh a mouse pad and we still use it, the picture came out great. I think I went thru Shutterfly for that.
I got a fading coffee photomug (pic appears when a hot bev is in it), a puzzle, and photo coasters all from Kodak.com in 2007. All are still in GREAT condition (and always used) except the puzzle. I wasn't really happy with it because the picture doesn't stay on the puzzle piece very well-however, it came in a tin box with the pic on it, so that still looks awesome.
Re: Photo Mug or Mouse Pad(fathers day)
I got a fading coffee photomug (pic appears when a hot bev is in it), a puzzle, and photo coasters all from Kodak.com in 2007. All are still in GREAT condition (and always used) except the puzzle. I wasn't really happy with it because the picture doesn't stay on the puzzle piece very well-however, it came in a tin box with the pic on it, so that still looks awesome.