
WDYT about this thank you card situation?

Yesterday we received a thank you card from a hs graduate we sent a card and money to.  I just sent the card last week, so I was really surprised to see a thank you so soon.  I opened it up, and it was very clearly written by the boy's mother, but it was signed from him.

I just couldn't believe that the mother of an 18 year old would actually write thank you notes for her son.

Re: WDYT about this thank you card situation?

  • I'd believe it...

    It's something my sister totally does for her kids.  It's annoying!

    Delaney Grace - 6/29/06
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  • I think ...  that I hope my dd never marries anyone like that but more importantly I hope I don't turn into a mom that enables that behavior!!

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • That's terrible.  My co-worker did the same type of thing for her 17 year old son.  He had to fill out applications for college, ACT testing, etc, and he told her he just didn't have the time, so she filled them all our for him!  When I saw her doing that, I asked her what was she doing and she told me like it was nothing! 

    Good luck in college kid.  Mommy won't be around to do all your work for you.  

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  • My co-worker stilll calls her 23 year old son to wake him up every day for his college classes.  And she doesn't have to wake him til 10am.

    Now that's a messed up situation!

    Delaney Grace - 6/29/06
  • I think it's pathetic.  I'm kind of anal about thank you notes though (it has always been a big deal in my family) and just don't see why it's so hard for people to do. Someone has taken the time to do something special for you so why not thank them personally? I don't care if it's a phone call, email, typed note, etc. but it just seems like the decent thing to do.

    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • imageSMHWife:

    My co-worker stilll calls her 23 year old son to wake him up every day for his college classes.  And she doesn't have to wake him til 10am.

    Now that's a messed up situation!


    Wow. That comment goes for the TY notes too. 

  • That is terrible.  The "kid" isn't learning anything and is going to have a VERY rude awakening when Mommy isn't there to do everything for him.

  • Yeah, I guarantee it took me longer to buy the card and go to the bank for the cash than it did for his mother to write a two sentence thank you note.  Stupid.

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