
Be honest - how hard is it at first when you bring home DC #2?

My son will be 2 and 1/2 when my daughter is born.  I just want some frankness difficult is it at first?  I remember having just one infant was rough, but I'm wondering if it will be a little easier since I know what to expect?

Re: Be honest - how hard is it at first when you bring home DC #2?

  • #2 was not hard at all but my mom was here to help.  As far as adjustment with #1 he did fine.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I've only been at this for 7 weeks, so take my opinion for what it's worth.  The first month was a piece of cake.  Claire was enamored by her brother, and Jack slept about 23 out of 24 hours a day.  Once Jack started to wake up more, it got more difficult.  Inevitably, on the days when the three of us are home alone (Claire still goes to daycare 3 days a week) the two of them are crying at the same time and I feel like I'm going to scream.  It doesn't happen all day, but for the few minutes it does happen, it's very hard.  It's also more difficult at night because there have been many days when Jack wakes up at 5 to eat, and by the time he settles back down, I can't go back to sleep because I know Claire is getting up.  It's much harder to do the ol' "sleep when the baby sleeps" thing.  I constantly feel guilty either because Claire has spent yet another day watching tv all day, or because Jack has just been moved from the swing to the bouncy seat and back again while I tend to Claire. 

    My biggest tips would be to keep dc 1 in daycare at least part time, or if he doesn't already go, find one where he can go even a couple of mornings a week.  It makes a HUGE difference.  Get a really good carrier that works well for a newborn.  I have a Beco that I love, but it's not really newborn-friendly.  I just ordered a Sleepy Wrap (like a Moby Wrap) from amazon and it is the best $40 I could have spent.  Get out of the house often and start doing it early on so that it is second nature.  Just this past Monday I took both kids to the mall 40 minutes away, and we had the best day we've had so far.  Even if you just go for a walk to a playground, get out as much as you can.  Get things ready at night, or have your husband do it, so that you don't waste half the morning trying to get everyone dressed.  I've been laying Claire's, Jack's, and my clothes out at night and it really has helped.

     As for the transition of having a newborn again, that part is pretty easy!  I feel so much more relaxed than I ever was with Claire.  I'm not worried when he makes a little noise, because I know it's normal, whereas with Claire every little thing worried me.  Don't worry, you will find your own way and you will do great!

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  • DD is 12 days old and its been fine. No problems so far. Dh went back to work after a few days. DS just turned 2 last week.

    It's just a balance - i'm trying my best to make sure DS is entertained enough. Yesterday, the 3 of us ventured out to chuckie cheese and everything was fine. I'm usually really high strung and I've just learned to relax and everything goes smoothly.

  • I won't even lie. It was very hard. The first 4 weeks were awesome because the baby slept all day.

    After that, I found it really hard to rock a newborn to sleep when they toddler keeps running in and out of the room. I felt like I never got a chance to eat, go to the bathroom, etc.

    BUT! Ever since 5/6 months, it's absolutley awesome and getting (dare I say it?!) easy.

    good luck!

  • I found it to be easy at times and overwelhming at times.  Those first few times they both need you are tough, but everyday gets easier.  The key for me was getting out the house.  It helped so much.  I would take A to the playground and put J in the bjorn.  A would run off steam and J would sleep. I did that many days at the beginning.  And because I was outside in the fresh air doing something I felt more like a real person.
  • It wasn't hard at all because I had DH there for almost 2 weeks.  He kept #1 busy.

  • HARD.  However, you and the other family member adapt quickly and you forget what it was like before.  I have three now and my youngest is almost 6 months.   Dare I say, some days are relatively easy.  Always busy, but very doable. 
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