I realize I should have been posting about me
I ended up having my baby early this morning at 35 weeks 3 days. He is down in the NICU right now and I am up in my room in pain and missing him like crazy. He is looking good though, please tell me he is going to be ok.
Re: The other day I wrote about post about my friend being early and now...
What a surprise! 35 weeks is a very "safe" age for preemies, he should do great! My 32 weeker came home at 36 weeks...unless your guy is having issues he should be home soon. How big was he? Any issues detected?
Congratulations! What's his name?
They said about 2 weeks and he should be good to go. He weighed 6 lbs 3 oz at birth so he was really big. He was 18 inches long. But he had respitory distress syndrome and he can't suck/swallow. They are trying to see if he can maintain his body temp right now. I am so overwhelmed. I didn't expect this at all. I had a perfectly ordinary pregnancy and then all of studden this! I feel like I failed my baby. I am so lost right now. I am glad there is a place to go to get support from mothers who know what it's like. Thanks so much.
My DS was also born at 35 wks 3 days - congrats! He was almost exactly your son's size too (6lbs, 18in). DS didn't require any NICU time and spent one extra night under the lights for jaundice. I had gone into PTL about 10 days before, so I had received steroid shots for his lung development. Our only set back? He failed the carseat test and had to ride in a carbed until my due date.