Baby Names

Baby Boy Name Dilemma...

We had our GIRL name all picked out...and then we found out it's a BOY. While I'm very happy that we're having a son, we have a name dilemma. DH wants to name the baby after his granddaddy. His name was James. I'm not opposed to using it as a mn, but I'm not entirely crazy about it as a first. My mom and sister have voiced their opinions at their hatred of the name...which makes it worse for me. However, poor DH really, really wants to use it as a first. What would you do?

Re: Baby Boy Name Dilemma...

  • I recommend you and your DH make the decision yourselves, regardless of what relatives think.  It's your baby.
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  • James is a great name. No offense to them but forget what your mom and sister want. Your mom already got to name her children now it's your turn. If your DH wants the name, go for it. Are they going to love the kid any less b/c his name is James? I'm sure they'll get over it.

    BTW, my mom HATES my girl name (we don't know the gender yet) but I don't care for a minute. DH and I are set on it and that's all that counts.

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  • The choice is ALL up to you and DH. Just make sure you both agree on it. Right now it sounds more like a contender for an MN since you're not as crazy about it as your husband.
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  • May be use James and one of your family names as the middle name.  That is what DH and I are doing.  It makes it seem a little more fair and plus it keeps all the families happy.
  • imageBrownie_222:
    I recommend you and your DH make the decision yourselves, regardless of what relatives think.  It's your baby.

    I agree. Don't be swayed by anybody else - it's really between you and your DH.

    I also agree that a good compromise for you both would be to use it as a MN since you aren't as sold on it as a FN.

  • I agree with all the pp's.  Deciding the name is up to YOU and your DH, not your mom and sister!! 
  • Don't involve others in the process.  Keep this between your DH and you.  This isn't your mom or sisters baby.  In the end, their opinion does nto matter.

    My MIL HATED the name we picked for DS - but we didn't care.  it's a name the two of us liked and wanted and we went w/ it. 

    "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
    ~Benjamin Franklin

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10

  • He's going to be your child too.  If you're not loving the name James for a fn and want to use it as a mn, then maybe have a serious conversation with your husband about how you're really feeling.  Give him your reasons and offer some suggestions for a fn that go with James as a mn to let your ideas be heard.

    However, if you're only concerned about what your mom and sister think; then, I'd say that's not a good enough reason.  It sounds like you're already not so in love with it, though; so, I think that merits standing up for what you think and letting your DH know how you really feel.


  • I think James it cute.  Forget what your mom thinks, you're the mom.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker First missed m/c = 1/30/08 Second missed m/c = 4/22/09 CJ born = 4/29/10 Courtney born = 7/22/11
  • Well, I'm partial to James since it's my dad and brother's names. They both love having the name. Most people I know really love the name James as well. Who cares what your family thinks? As long as you both like it, use it, especially since it has significance to your DH.
  • I like the name James...I know how hard it is when parents don't like the name you choose. My dad doesn't like Savannah's name....although he's getting used to it. James is classic - and has a few nicknames (Jim, Jimmy, Jamie...I like Jamie or James...) It's very solid, strong, and unquestionably hire-able (for some reason it seems to be a bigger issue with men). It's gotta be up to you an your DH though. Make a decision based upon you and he, not them.

  • They will love whatever name you pick as soon as they meet your little one.  Pick a name that you and dh like, you're the ones that will have to say that name 1,000,000 times per day!
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  • it is up to noone but you and your h.  If you like James, but are worried about your mom and sis, go with it.  However if you yourself are not in love, you need to tell DH too bad b.c you should both love the name
    EDD with #4  01-20-14
    Proud mama to a boys-  6/17/09 - a girl 2/23/11- and a boy 8/20/12

  • How about picking another name for the baby's first name and using James as the baby's middle name. Just a thought... and your still honoring your hubby's grandfather.

    Good luck. 




  • I agree with pps. Keep it between you and DH. I love the name James. It's my brother's name and he has always liked it. Family calls him Jimmie. I would talk to DH, maybe you can compromise...
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