
Anyone's DC have a big head? + vent (warning you before you enter, this may be whiney)

We went to the pedi today for Emilia's well visit, and she tells us that her head size is off the charts. Gives us a referral to a neurologist and an U/S of her brain. Has anyone done this before?

I just feel like crying. Every single time we go to the pedi, I feel like they find something else wrong with her! Now I have to call the hospital and see if they will U/S her brain at the same time they are doing her kidneys. Meanwhile, it seems like there is NOTHING wrong with her!

And taking 2 kids to the pedi at the same time is enough to take me over the edge. NEVER doing that again. I need a daytime babysitter, stat.

Thanks for listening, I'm just really upset.

DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Anyone's DC have a big head? + vent (warning you before you enter, this may be whiney)

  • ((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))))
  • do other people in your family have big heads? 

    DS's head has always been 95th percentile +... but both DH and my families have big heads (Irish and german) so the pedi was never concerned.

    i'ts probably nothing- but good that you have a doc who is practive and checking things out- instead of brushing everything off.... i watch too many mystery diagnosis shows and am amazed at how often docs don't notice things- so i guess cautious is better than not?

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  • My very good friend had to go through that. They were tossing around words like hydrocephalus. She had CAT scans or MRIs or something, and it turns out that Grace just has a very big head.


    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • You poor thing, you can't catch a break with your little one!  I have a friend whose son has the BIGGEST head I have ever seen on a baby/toddler.  He has always been off the charts for his head and it has never been an issue.  Hopefully your Pedi is just being proactive (maybe even alarmist?) and nothing is wrong.  Please keep me posted.  Fingers crossed that everything is ok.
  • DS's was always off the chart, but my pedi was never concerned because it followed a normal growth curve.  He said if it had been average one month and jumped off the chart a couple of months later, then he'd be worried and want to do some testing, but that just wasn't the case for us.  Has her head always been big? If so, I think I'd get a second opinion before doing an MRI.  I hope everything turns out to be ok. Perhaps your pedi is just overly cautious, but if that's something that's going to be causing you lots of stress, it might be worth finding someone else.

  • dpdwdpdw member

    do other people in your family have big heads? 

    DS's head has always been 95th percentile +... but both DH and my families have big heads (Irish and german) so the pedi was never concerned.

    i'ts probably nothing- but good that you have a doc who is practive and checking things out- instead of brushing everything off.... i watch too many mystery diagnosis shows and am amazed at how often docs don't notice things- so i guess cautious is better than not?

    Ditto.  My nephew's head was always off the charts, but the pedi looked at my BIL & said, "If you didn't have a such a big head, we would worry.  But, um, its not a problem for your son."

  • (((HUGS)))

    Sounds to me like they are just being precautionary --- which isn't ever a bad thing (albeit annoying)!  :)

    Joey's head has always been off the charts (the kid has a HUGE noggin') and the pedi has never had any issue with it.

    I'm sure everything will be just fine!!!

  • Between Samuel's 9 month and 1 year appointments, his head grew by leaps and bounds.  They measured him 5 times because the Doctor didn't believe what the nurse was telling her.

    He still had enough of an opening that they could do the ultrasound, and it took no time at all.  Of course he hated it, but every kid hates having their head messed with, right?

    There was nothing wrong, no fluid retintion or anything.  He was just destined to have a giant head.  At two years, he has a helmet that is made for 5 year olds.  No cute toddler hats here!  He is still way off the charts in head circ.  

    Emilia may just have a big head.  Try not to get worked up until you know there is a problem!

    Good luck!

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  • (((HUGS)))) So sorry you had a crappy appointment.  And, taking 2 kids to the pedi is certainly no picnic- I know from first hand experience :)   

    I must say as someone who works in healthcare that I am always pleased when I see a proactive pediatrician who takes precautions to rule things out.   I am sure E is TOTALLY fine!!!!  An u/s is an easy and non-invasive way to just rule out hydrocephalus, etc. so you and your pedi can be sure.

    Maybe you can get away tonight after your DH comes home for a solo trip to Target or to get some coffee?  Sounds like you could use a little break and you deserve some "me time."  HUGS!!! 

    Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
  • both of my kids have 97% heads compared to their <50% bodies.  they pretty much hate shirts w/o snaps at the neck.  lol.

    My ped wasn't concerned either b/c they always had big heads.  Can you call back and see if she recently had a jump in %'s or if she's just on track with a bigger head? 

  • REOMREOM member

    Yes, my H has a big head. I called him and told him that she needs a brain U/S b/c she is lazy and has a big head- like him. He didn't laugh. But yeah, hats for her age don't really fit her, I've noticed. Hopefully it's just genetic.

    Anyway, the script says hydrocephalus, which means they are looking for water on the brain. I don't know much more than that b/c when I was trying to talk to the pedi, I had a screaming baby and a screaming 2 year old. UGH, pedis should have followups over the phone. How the hell was I supposed to listen/talk to her?!

    Lari- 22.2 lbs- way to go! Awesome, that must be two sizes.

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • A friend of mine had this come up with her son at his 9 month checkup back in January.  I don't know if it just came up then, or if his head size had always been bigger than average at his 2,4, and 6 month appointment.s

    They had to see a neurologist, have MRI's, scans, etc, but as of right now, everything is coming back normal and looking good. 

    Hope everything turns out well

  • Try not to worry until you know something for sure. DS has always had a big head. Off the charts big, even before he was born. There's nothing wrong with him. He just has a big head.
  • REOMREOM member
    Thanks for your kind words. I am going to try to relax. The pedi showed me her growth curve, and she was in the average range two months ago. Last month, it creeped up higher, and now it's outside of the normal range. I guess that's why she needs the testing.
    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • REOM, a woman that I work with has the same type of thing with her son. His head is huge and off the charts! Neither she nor her DH have big heads but, as it turns out, DH's grandfather did. After running all sorts of tests the conclusion was she just has a son with a big head. She affectionately calls him her "bobble head baby".

    Sending you best wishes!


  • ZenyaZenya member
    is your pedi just alarmist?  maybe it's time to find a new one?
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  • It sounds like she had a jump, like Sam, in percentiles.  Just like weight and height, they look at the curve more than anything else. 

    The water on the brain thing would cause other issues developmentally.  My Dr told us that she didn't think it would be there for Sam, because he was walking and talking, so on, right on target.

    The ultrasound is just like what you had when you were pregnant...just on her head.  They gunk up her hair and use the wand.  The Dr who did Sam's was wonderful, he didn't mind at all taking a few minutes to try to warm Sam up to him and get him comfortable.  It didn't really help, cause he was ticked that he messed with his head, but at least he tried.  The whole thing took maybe two minutes of looking.

    The only problem would be if there wasn't enough of an opening left in her skull for the ultrasound.  Then they would need to do a CAT scan (I think that is what the next step was.)


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  • Sam jumped from 75th percentile in HC to off the charts...WAY off in three months time.  She's probably fine, but you want to get it checked out.  I don't think the Pedi is being alarmist...Better safe than sorry.
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  • REOMREOM member

    Sam jumped from 75th percentile in HC to off the charts...WAY off in three months time.  She's probably fine, but you want to get it checked out.  I don't think the Pedi is being alarmist...Better safe than sorry.

    Thanks for sharing your story, and glad that it worked out well. Her pedi said that she still has the opening, so that was a bonus.

    Zenya- we really like this pedi, she is very supportive of our choices and explains things well (when we are able to listen!). I think it's just been a run of bad luck :(

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • Ditto what so many others have said.  All my kids have big heads, but Alex's was ridiculously off the charts huge.  He wears a helmet made for elem. schoolers when he rides his bike and has never been able to wear the right hat for his age from anywhere.  I know at 1 he was in a 3T/4T hat!  We had one pedi bring it up since we see several at our practice, but she was reassured when we told her that both DH and I have big heads and can never wear regular hats, and she also looked at his chart and saw that while his head was big, it was following its own growth curve.  And he was meeting all his milestones.  We never got any of the testing done because she was satisfied with our answers.


    Good luck!



    Jenni ~~Alex & Avery ~~ 6/13/06~~Adam ~~3/26/08

  • Our older DD and our youngest DS have BIG heads.  Like 97-98th %tile big.   DH has a big head, as do his family-members, so it does run in the family & is expected.  In fact, when my MIL was pg with DH, at her very last u/s the doc told her that DH probably had hydrocephalus, because of his large head size.  She went home & cried herself into labor that night!!!  Low & behold, DH just has a big head!

    Any big heads in your family??  What was the %tile for your DD's head measurement? 

     Our youngest DS is just overall big (96th & 97th %tile for height & weight as well), so his big head doesn't stand out AS much, but only our DD's head is always off the charts!  While her height & weight are always like 35-45th %tile,  her head is always in the 90's!!  The hats that would come with all the baby outfits when she was a baby would NEVER fit her.  It was always a joke to try them on.  at 2 she was in 4T hats.  Now, at 5, she has to wear big kid sizes. We even have issues with getting pull-over shirts with  small collars over her head without tears :(

    GL with DD.  Also, I agree about taking more than one child to the doc at a time.  I have wisened up & always get a sitter for the others!!

  • my cousin had such a big head it prevented him walking until he was almost 1.5-2 or something (this was years ago so my memory is vague). His doctor also wanted to test, but it turned out he just had a big head.

    Still does, but in another way. 

    If it makes you feel any better, PAC has a small head, like a ripe mango. My DH has an exceptionally narrow head as well. 

    My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage
  • REOMREOM member

    LOL @ bobble head and mango headed babies :)

    Thanks again ladies, I'll try not to freak out until I find out for sure if it is warranted.

    Is it bad that I am taking 'me' time right now and having a glass of wine during nap/DH rerun time?! Certainly flamable.

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • she looks perfect.  what the f is wrong with your pedi?  can you get a second opinion?  this sounds odd.

    I hope its nothing.  sorry you have to deal with this at all.

  • oh man, Drs appointments are no fun.  Hopefully it is nothing and the pedi is just erring on the side of caution.  Which is good IMO.  I know it is a pain to get all of these tests and everything done, but at least you will know and for us knowing is half of the battle! 

    And hey if you ever need me and Garrett to come and watch Gina or something while you take Emi to an appointment just let me know!  We can even come with you and sit in the waiting room with her if you would like!  What are friends/neighbors for right????  :-)

    Danielle- Our little boy Garrett Lanigan born on 12-28-06 at 7:39pm weighing in at 7lbs 11oz and 20in long! Clinically Diagnosed with Alagille Syndrome 5/08, genetically confirmed 7/09
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    Our baby Girl Lillian Mary-Ellen born 5-19-10 at 12:59pm weighing 8lbs 4oz 19in!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    Baby #3 on it's way due March 15th, 2012!
    Lilypie Maternity tickers Check out my Blog:
  • We had this EXACT issue with Kate.  Her head was normal at birth and 2 months, but then started tracking off the curve to way off the curve.  It was not following a normal curve.  Her head is HUGE--she wore 4T hats LAST summer at 13 months old!!  It is coming more in line with the top end of normal now, but she'll always have a big head.

     We had to see a neurologist and get a CT scan of her skull because there were some shape abnormalities also (big forehead) that made them want to look for both hydrocephelus and cranieosynosis.  She wound up having neither, just a big head, but it was stressful.  Kate also had some motor delays (rolled at 8 months, didn't walk until 18 months) that may or may not have been connected to her big head--the pedi just wanted to rule out that the delays were not neurological in nature.

    They will probably measure your head and your DH's.  Turns out my DH has a 95% head, which is where K probably gets her noggin.  GL!

  • A lot of kids just have big heads!  My youngest always had a big head, we had an u/s done and it was nothing.  He had extra fluid in his head but it wasn't in a bad place and the doctor was not concerned at all. As he's gotten older he's leveling out.  The rest of him is growing and catching up to his head :)


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