I was wondering if you ladies could help steer me in the right direction. My husband and I have been contemplating adoption for a while. I have looked at IA and DA. I have a few questions....
I have been able to find information about IA and agencies that deal with IA, but I am having a harder time with finding a DA agency. I live in Ohio, and would like to adopt within the state. Where did you find your DA agency??
Also, did your agency do the homestudy or did you have to find someone to do it for you, and if you did where did you find that person/agency??
Thank you so much for your help!!!
Re: Need Some Help...
I literally went through the phone book and Google to find agencies in my state and beyond. I believe I also went onto either adoption.org or adoption.com. They have a link where you can look for agencies by state that advertise with them. I know we found at least one OH agency, since we live in a neighboring state and wanted to see if OH was an option for us.
Our agency is a full-service agency, so the homestudy is included. We considered a smaller agency that contracts out to SWs to do their homestudies. We also talked to a couple of adoption law firms that did the same thing--they would recommend someone to do the homestudy, usually someone they worked with regularly.
Although I'm not doing domestic adoption, I know a few people found their agencies through various yahoo groups. Like the pp I know at least two who also found theirs through the phone book....Good luck!
Duh! Totally forgot about that! One of the gals on this board recommended a yahoo group--AARD. It's a group of people who are either looking for a domestic agency or who are using one and can give recommendations.
I belong to the AARD group. I get one update everyday with questions about various agencies. You can post questions about agencies you are interested in and people will respond.
We looked through the phone book, too. I also found an ad for an informational meeting in our local newspaper. That's how we first heard about our agency. They held a meeting at our local library.