
A debate stolen from another board...

Do you consider taking a coupon from a magazine from the store, without purchasing the magazine, stealing? The coupon in question is a Gymbo coupon in a parenting mag.

By the way, I never said this was an important debate. Wink


Re: A debate stolen from another board...

  • EMTEMT member
    I assume it's loose?  I wouldn't cut it out ;)
  • It's perforated cardstock. So you have to rip it out.
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  • IMO, the coupons are in there for a reason... and if you don't cut it out from a magazine, then you can just go online and find another one. who cares... they're still going to be making money.
  • I wouldn't take one from an unpurchased copy of a magazine at the store, but I did once take a Gymboree coupon from a Parents magazine at the library. It was one of those perforated cardboard tear-out kind so I didn't destroy the magazine or anything.
  • magazines put those things in there so people will, um, buy their magazines. ?LOL ?

    I think it's stealing from the magazine to rip the coupon out w/out buying the magazine. ?Klassy.

  • Talk about good ethics...

    Perhaps if you can't spend the $3 on a magazine, gymboree is not the store for you. 

  • I would see it as stealing from the person who goes on to purchase the magazine without noticing.
    3 boys (15, 8, 6), 1 girl (4)
  • Yes I do and this is one of my pet peeves. I check the magazines before I buy them and it drives me crazy when I go through like 10 not to find one. I have heard of people doing this to put them on E-bay so yes that is totally stealing. I agree with GHM if you can't afford a $3 magazine don't buy gymbo.
  • I voted yes.  maybe it's not stealing like stealing the magazine, but it's a crappy low thing to do.  I've gone in to buy a magazine just for the coupon and it was missing out of all of them.  it's a scummy thing to do.
  • I would like to hear from those that said it's NOT stealing.

    How is taking something that is not free and does not belong to you not = stealing?!

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