Missouri Babies

Keep Jennie, Brett and Samantha in your thoughts.

Please keep Jennie, Brett and Baby Samantha in your thoughts and prayers!  Samantha was admitted to Children's Mercy today for a UTI and fever and they plan to keep her for 2-3 days.  I talked to Jennie today and she said Samantha is starting to act better so that is good.  Just thought I would let you all know so you could send good thoughts their way. 


Re: Keep Jennie, Brett and Samantha in your thoughts.

  • Thanks for letting us know, Michele. Sending thoughts & prayers their way. Poor little baby! I hope she is feeling better soon.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Oh no! ?Well, I will definitely be keeping them in my prayers. ?I hope everything will be okay very soon. ?Please tell her we're all thinking of their little family and keep us updated.
    DS1 - 08.08.08   DS2 - 05.02.10


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