
Tell me I'm not the only one

DD is 2 and still doesn't STTN.  She usually wakes between 2-5 times a night.  I am feeling down because last night was a bad night.  She kept waking up every 30 minutes.  I finally gave up after 3 hours and let her sleep in our bed.  We have tried CIO but we eventually give in since she will cry forever.  I don't know what to do.  If your DC still doesn't STTN have you just accepted it and figure they will outgrow it?  If you solved the problem, what did you do?  Thank goodness DS is a good sleeper.

Re: Tell me I'm not the only one

  • Oh, I feel your pain. ?Ethan is 3 and is still up once a night. ?We've just grown used to it. ?He's starting to put himself to sleep at night which is a huge step for him, so we hope that eventually he'll put himself back to sleep even when he wakes up in the middle of the night. ?

    If not, college is only 15 years away, right?! LOL?

  • Kate sleeps through the night but it took some work.  After much drama, I finally went to the library and Barnes and Noble and got 4 books on "sleep training".  I skimmed through each book and decided which ones looked the best and then read every detail.  Then I created a plan, written out and discussed with DH.  Then came the hard part, sticking to the plan. 
    Be sure the plan you create is a plan you can live with.  Best thing I did was to start it on a Friday night so I had DH's support through the weekend and by Monday night she was 95% better.

    Good luck to you.

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