Does it sound strange for me to say I hope it's his tongue, that way it's an easy fix?? LOL (and you know DD had hers clipped last year, I'm NOT being mean here)
His has already been clipped (at 6 weeks old), so that's why I called EI in the first place. He holds his tongue funny-- kind of far back in his mouth, and doesn't place it correctly. It makes for garbled pronunciations.
We'll see if it's something that needs therapy or if he'll just grow out of it.
AKA KnittyB*tch DS - December 2006 DD - December 2008
Re: DS appointment for EI is scheduled already!
Does it sound strange for me to say I hope it's his tongue, that way it's an easy fix?? LOL (and you know DD had hers clipped last year, I'm NOT being mean here)
Good luck :-)
Oh, I know you weren't being mean.
His has already been clipped (at 6 weeks old), so that's why I called EI in the first place. He holds his tongue funny-- kind of far back in his mouth, and doesn't place it correctly. It makes for garbled pronunciations.
We'll see if it's something that needs therapy or if he'll just grow out of it.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008