
Potty training 2 at a time is for the birds!

This suuuucks. DD1 was SO easy. She basically PT herself withing a few days. The twins are I feel like I should know what I'm doing since I have three kids and I definitely don't. They seem like they've been ready for a while now, but I knew that I was too busy to be consistent with them so I waited.

We are only on day 2 but I sure feel like I'm spending a heck of a lot of time cleaning up pee and poop off my floors! They don't really seem to care that much if they have an accident- soggy britches or not, they just keep on trucking. Is it bad to just let them go naked? It seems easier than going thru so many clothes/undies, but do they need to feel uncomfortable in order to want to go potty?

DD is doing pretty good... only one accident so far! And she took herself to the potty this afternoon :) I heard her go in there and went to see what she was doing and she was peeing! So I guess we are heading in the right direction at least with one! But in the meantime, DS walked up and peed directly into the airvent...


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Re: Potty training 2 at a time is for the birds!

  • The first couple of days my DD went naked.

    Is it possible that your DD is ready, but your DS isn't? Would you be willing to entertain doing her first and then him?

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • Bless your heart!  I don't know if I would have the patience to clean up the mess of two toddlers at the same time, but on the other hand I can see why you would want to do both and once and just kind of get it over with.

    Good luck!

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  • Yikes is all I have to say.

    Good Luck

    and I lol'd at DS taking  pee in the vent! lol

  • I tried a couple of times with DD at 2.5 and she really struggled.  I tried again at almost 3 and she quickly went from diapers to 0 accidents, and even in the night has been really good about going potty.  So much easier when they are ready and you don't have to fight/bribe them.  She pooped in the potty for the first time on her second birthday, and just now, on her 3rd birthday has not had an accident in 5 days.
  • Actually, I didn't really think he was completely ready and planned on just starting with her. But I guess when he saw how much attention she was getting, he started asking to go. And when I would try to put a diaper on him over the weekend, he would say he didn't want it and that he had to go to the big potty. So, I figured if he is asking to go to the potty and taking his own diapers off, I shouldn't tell him no, right? But he's actually only made it into the potty one time...
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  • If he is having a lot of accidents, you bet you can tell him no!  I told DD she had to wear a diaper back in November (at 26 months), because even though she was making progress, it was too sporatic and there were too many accidents for "modern living" (being strapped in a car seat, stuck in line in a store, at the library, ect.)  We could not go anywhere.  By March, she was ready to go again and it was much easier, even with a new baby.
  • Good point. We don't have to go anywhere for another day or two, so if he hasn't made any more progress by then, I think he'll be headed back to diaperville for a little while. DD just went again so I have a feeling this is it for her. Fingers crossed!
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  • imageJOEBunny:
    If he is having a lot of accidents, you bet you can tell him no!  I told DD she had to wear a diaper back in November (at 26 months), because even though she was making progress, it was too sporatic and there were too many accidents for "modern living" (being strapped in a car seat, stuck in line in a store, at the library, ect.)  We could not go anywhere.  By March, she was ready to go again and it was much easier, even with a new baby.

     That's tough.  I think its gotta be a little different with 2 of them and I would be concerned about telling one that they couldn't do it while the other one can.  Especially if he really is trying, but just not quite getting it yet.  I think I would continue with him for at least a few more days as long as he is still interested.  Any chance you could give him Pull Ups instead of diapers so at least he doesn't feel disappointed or like he failed?  I may be crazy, I just always worry about their little feelings and what messages they are getting from things. 

  • My bro & sis are twins. My mum tackled the girl first, then my brother. She would've been crazy trying to do both at the same time. Good Luck!
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