Hi ladies! So I have a question for all you parenting moms out there. I know this is way early, but I live almost 2 hours away from mine and DH families and they are planning for the holidays already!
The situation is, my baby is due 12-10-09 which is pretty close to Christmas and don't know if I should take baby in for Christmas or not? Neither side is huge, maybe 20-30 people max, but I just wanted to get some opinions of what you ladies hae experienced!
Re: Need some advise!
Whatever you o, decide early, and tell your family, especially the MIL.
Host Xmas at your house??
I think it really depends on you.
I'd probably prefer not to, since its winter and people are always sick and I wouldn't want a newborn to catch anything.
I'm pretty anal though.
Ditto this, plus, I was still recovering 2 weeks pp.
I have 2 early December babies, and both attended all of our extended families' Christmas events.
I just left them in the baby seat most of the time, and people admired them from afar.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
I would play it by ear and let them know that there is very good possibility that you won't make it.
I always love the holidays, but if you are worn ou then you need to rest.
DS2 was born exactly a week before Christmas. We took him to all the Christmas celebrations. We asked the pediatrician for his advice and he said that it was fine, but not to pass him around. He said that anyone who did hold him needed to wash his or her hands right before, but he suggested just having myself, H and the grandparents hold him and that no one touch his face.
We actually went to one family party the day we were released from the hospital. It was important to me that we were there. My family is all in twon, though, so travel wasn't a factor. You'll just have to decide what works best for your family and you may not know what you want to do until after your DC is born and that's okay. People will understand if you have to bow out.