Hi everyone. Sorry for the late update. It's been crazy here!
The boys arrived via scheduled c/s on May 27. Eli William was born at 5:40 pm and weighed 6 lbs. 12 oz. and was 19 in. long. Benjamin David came at 5:41 pm and weighed 5 lbs. 13 oz. and was 19 1/4 in. long. Both were absolutely perfect! They needed no NICU time and stayed in the room with me all 3 days. We went home on Saturday and are adjusting as well as can be expected! We're still trying to figure out our schedule, but we'll get it.
I'm able to BF both boys, but DH helps out with a bottle of breastmilk if they want to eat at the same time. I didn't do well with the tandem feedings. But at least they're getting breastmilk.
We have our first dr. appt tomorrow to check weights and jaundice.
We are totally in love with these little angels. I can't believe that these are actually mine! I'll try to upload a pic as soon as I can.
Re: The boys have arrived (late update)!
Congrats and what great weights!
Don't give up on the tandem feedings. As they get bigger and can latch on quicker it will be easier to tandem. It was a two, sometimes 3, person job to get my girls to tandem feed for the first couple weeks. Soon they were latching on without and help and I even mastered the art of burping them at the same time. It just takes practice...for all of you.
how many weeks were you? Great sized babies!!!!!! Enjoy them!
We made it to 38w2d. I think they'd still be in there if they hadn't delivered! I'm glad they did though. My body was done at that point!
Congrats! I'm so glad everything went well.
I wasn't brave enough to tandem feed until I met with a LC. It just gave me a little more confidence and now I'm able to do it. (Although feeding them one at a time is still more manageable)
Have a great time with your boys!
After a PCOS dx, 18 months of trying, 3 rounds of clomid and 2 follistim IUIs our babies are here!
Ditto this re: tandem feeding - it definitely takes help at first until you and they get more used to latching and positioning properly. Don't give up! And congratulations on your big healthy boys - such great weights!!!