
For all those Not watching J+K+8, but wants updates!

So, K is in SC with Maddy, J is home "taking care" of the kids - Alexis bites through her lip. Off to the DR.! K is @ the spa and is relishing only having one child with her.

Re: For all those Not watching J+K+8, but wants updates!

  • Eeeek, 5 yo in bibs!
  • I have the same dress from ATL that Kate is wearing. 
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  • imageoparcm:
    I have the same dress from ATL that Kate is wearing. 

    Wish I could wear it and not get pg comments!

  • imagemeghans30:
    Eeeek, 5 yo in bibs!

    What???  No way!  My 1 year old doesn't even wear bibs anymore!

    Why is Kate just with Maddy?

    DD1 - 12.25.05
    (m/c 1.17.07, m/c 5.15.07)
    DS - 03.15.08
    DD2 - 12.03.09
    DD3 - 3.28.11
  • imagemeghans30:
    Eeeek, 5 yo in bibs!

    I'm not watching so I may be missing some context here, but.... So what?  My 4 year old still wants and demands one. 

    Valerie ~Charlotte Adele 4.26.05~ ~Audrey Irene 12.19.2006~
  • The swingset is going up - "Hope this is the last time." and a crash in the bathroom(?) - Next Maddy "buys" present for her siblings.

    It's actually pretty boring w/out the bickering between J+K.  


  • imagemagnoliablossom:

    Eeeek, 5 yo in bibs!

    I'm not watching so I may be missing some context here, but.... So what?  My 4 year old still wants and demands one. 


    Good for you! I guess my view of bib wearing could be a bit judgemental - both my boys ripe them off! The 6 of them were not eating anything very messy.

  • Oh no, nap time goes awry. One of the boys smashed the lid to the toilet!

    I'm amazed they still have "nap" time. 


  • imagemeghans30:

    Eeeek, 5 yo in bibs!

    I'm not watching so I may be missing some context here, but.... So what?  My 4 year old still wants and demands one. 


    Good for you! I guess my view of bib wearing could be a bit judgemental - both my boys ripe them off! The 6 of them were not eating anything very messy.

    It has nothing to do with me.  It is all her.  It doesn't matter if she is eating a dry bagel, she still wants one.  It is either a habit or she has OCD. 

    Valerie ~Charlotte Adele 4.26.05~ ~Audrey Irene 12.19.2006~
  • when i taught Kindergarten we had a 1 hour nap time- and those kids would pass out and sleep the whole time!

    i can't imagine them in BIBS though! at 5?

  • Sooooo is there a reason that kate keeps sporting around her i-phone? I think she is looking at it evertime she is on camera.


    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers imageimage
  • Train Wreck over for this week. K had such a great time with Maddy alone and looks a bit sad to be going back to "reality." J gets the swing set finished. J+K+M end the episode on the couch together. K is disgusted that the dogs go down the slide on their bums.
  • If they'll wear bibs, lucky her! DD started ripping them off and refusing them around 1 year. I still wish she would wear them sometimes for messy foods. If it's really messy, I just end up having to strip her down before mealtime. I'm horrible with stain removal.
  • imagemommy06:

    Sooooo is there a reason that kate keeps sporting around her i-phone? I think she is looking at it evertime she is on camera.


    Hmmmm, didn't catch that one.

  • imagemeghans30:
    Train Wreck over for this week. K had such a great time with Maddy alone and looks a bit sad to be going back to "reality." J gets the swing set finished. J+K+M end the episode on the couch together. K is disgusted that the dogs go down the slide on their bums.

    She's is just the unhappiest person in the world.

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • Kate's life is HARD! How can you be happy when you have it SO bad?


    ( I freaking WISH I had a body like hers, though. not fair. I am a joyful person in a bean bag chair of a body...)

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