So, K is in SC with Maddy, J is home "taking care" of the kids - Alexis bites through her lip. Off to the DR.! K is @ the spa and is relishing only having one child with her.
I'm not watching so I may be missing some context here, but.... So what? My 4 year old still wants and demands one.
Good for you! I guess my view of bib wearing could be a bit judgemental - both my boys ripe them off! The 6 of them were not eating anything very messy.
I'm not watching so I may be missing some context here, but.... So what? My 4 year old still wants and demands one.
Good for you! I guess my view of bib wearing could be a bit judgemental - both my boys ripe them off! The 6 of them were not eating anything very messy.
It has nothing to do with me. It is all her. It doesn't matter if she is eating a dry bagel, she still wants one. It is either a habit or she has OCD.
Train Wreck over for this week. K had such a great time with Maddy alone and looks a bit sad to be going back to "reality." J gets the swing set finished. J+K+M end the episode on the couch together. K is disgusted that the dogs go down the slide on their bums.
If they'll wear bibs, lucky her! DD started ripping them off and refusing them around 1 year. I still wish she would wear them sometimes for messy foods. If it's really messy, I just end up having to strip her down before mealtime. I'm horrible with stain removal.
Train Wreck over for this week. K had such a great time with Maddy alone and looks a bit sad to be going back to "reality." J gets the swing set finished. J+K+M end the episode on the couch together. K is disgusted that the dogs go down the slide on their bums.
Re: For all those Not watching J+K+8, but wants updates!
Wish I could wear it and not get pg comments!
What??? No way! My 1 year old doesn't even wear bibs anymore!
Why is Kate just with Maddy?
(m/c 1.17.07, m/c 5.15.07)
DS - 03.15.08
DD2 - 12.03.09
DD3 - 3.28.11
I'm not watching so I may be missing some context here, but.... So what? My 4 year old still wants and demands one.
The swingset is going up - "Hope this is the last time." and a crash in the bathroom(?) - Next Maddy "buys" present for her siblings.
It's actually pretty boring w/out the bickering between J+K.
Good for you! I guess my view of bib wearing could be a bit judgemental - both my boys ripe them off! The 6 of them were not eating anything very messy.
Oh no, nap time goes awry. One of the boys smashed the lid to the toilet!
I'm amazed they still have "nap" time.
It has nothing to do with me. It is all her. It doesn't matter if she is eating a dry bagel, she still wants one. It is either a habit or she has OCD.
when i taught Kindergarten we had a 1 hour nap time- and those kids would pass out and sleep the whole time!
i can't imagine them in BIBS though! at 5?
Sooooo is there a reason that kate keeps sporting around her i-phone? I think she is looking at it evertime she is on camera.
Hmmmm, didn't catch that one.
She's is just the unhappiest person in the world.
Kate's life is HARD! How can you be happy when you have it SO bad?
( I freaking WISH I had a body like hers, though. not fair. I am a joyful person in a bean bag chair of a body...)