
TMI Question - Sweaty feet?

Since my feet have been too swollen to wear shoes... (starting around 5 to 5 1/2 months), I have been wearing flip flops.  Luckily work hasn't complained.

Problem is, I find my feet sweat like crazy now, and have a sweaty odor.  It's not the flip flops, since I've tried all kinds and I find my slippers also get gross now.  I NEVER had this problem in the past... I mean, I was never a big sweater AT ALL, and now my feet always smell.  It has to be from the pregnancy!?!

Anyone else have this problem?  Will it go away?  Have any idea how to manage it, when I can't wear closed shoes?

Re: TMI Question - Sweaty feet?

  • I'm no help, but your not alone, I have the exact same problem. My only solution is that I go barefoot whenever possible. I hope someone else has some ideas.
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  • so, i had naturally sweaty feet as a kid. i think they make powders for it. check with your doctor since you are pregnant though. of course, you can always use baby powder, but that helps for a short period of time.
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  • I have been dealing with this too which is very unusual for me. I'm normally the girl who is always freezing and wears socks to bed. My feet have been sweating so bad in my flip flops that I am afraid I'm going to slip and fall. Iv'e also been waking up drenched in sweat in the middle of the night. I had the same thing with my daughter. Good luck, Marcie
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