
Is 35.99 a good/bad/ average price for 150 pack of luvs diapers?

I was just checking out and wondering if it would be worth it.  There is free shipping on orders of 49 or more....TIA!!

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Re: Is 35.99 a good/bad/ average price for 150 pack of luvs diapers?

  • That is $0.23 a diaper.  I can get Pampers on sale for at least $0.19.  So I would say that is not a good deal.  FWIW- I have never found to have amazing prices.  I get better deals at Target or BRU with their sale + a manufacturer coupon or two.  I never pay more than $0.20 a diaper.
  • No, that's a pretty sucky price.  haha  Our BJs sells luvs 150 packs for $24.99.  Right now I have a BJs coupon for $5 off Luvs, so they are only $19.99.  I could buy Pampers Cruisers for $38, which isn't much more than the Luvs price, and cruisers are way better, imo!  I think is a rip-off unless you are using one of their coupons for like 15% off your first purchase or something.  Oh, and has a coupon right now, pmprsjn9  and it gives you 15% off pampers until June 15 and most of them are free shipping
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  • No. I got a pack of Pampers Swaddlers (263 diapers) at Sam's for 35 bucks
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