
Gestational Diabetes

I just heard from the doctors office and I failed my 3hr glucose test :(  I have an appointment with the dietician this week, but for anyone who has/had gestational you have any advice, pointers, anything to make this feel more manageable?  I'm frustrated and feeling overwhelmed with this new diagnosis.  Thanks for your help!

Re: Gestational Diabetes

  • I had GD and it was pretty frustrating.  I kinda had to let go of the fact that I couldn't eat like a "pg" woman anymore.  The diet is pretty restrictive but doable.  MAKE the dietician give you examples of foods that you'd actually eat.  Nothing more frustrating than having all the literature with stuff on it that you don't like. 

    I ended up on the max dose of glyburide.  Even towards the end that wasn't quite doing the trick.  The only way I could keep my numbers down was to take a walk 1 hr after I ate.  It wasn't a very far walk (about 200-300 ft?) but it worked. 

    Good luck and hang in there!

  • I was diagnosed with GD as well but the diet my peri recommends for twins and GD is the same.  They feel the caloric intake is just as important as managing the GD so I made very few diet modifications.  They wanted to medicate me to handle the GD as opposed to disrupting my diet much.  I also had terrible nausea/vomiting until 32 weeks so getting me to gain enough weight to support the pregnancy was already difficult.  I'm on the maximum dose of glyburide and have had to have insulin during 2 different hospital bed rest stays, but since I'm so close to delivery now, they have just let it be and decided not to move me to insulin injections. Since I'm on strict bedrest, I couldn't do any of the exercise.

    It really is different for everyone - my breakfast and dinner numbers are bad but I can eat anything at lunchtime and have great numbers.  Mine is truly hormones out of control!

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  • I had it with my last 2... with my last, it was just my morning fasting numbers and I am in the same now with the twins. I have failed my 1hr and declined the 3hr going straight to being treated with gd.( I declined for a few reasons.... it's a 4 hour test here and they don't do finger pricks only huge amounts of blood... )  I found the diet really easy to follow and I would figure out what I could eat for b'fast so I could still have my coffee with cream/sugar! You learn the more you go with the diet I found. I just dread it now because I live in a different country and who knows what the diet will be like now! Good luck... :)
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