
How long does it take you to thoroughly clean your house?

I want my house cleaners back. I am so over this cleaning thing.
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Re: How long does it take you to thoroughly clean your house?

  • Define thoroughly.
  • I'm a slow mover so it takes me 4-6 hours. And its still not that thorough.

    I want my cleaners back too!

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  • With switching loads of laundry in between, but not folding and putting away and not detailing (baseboards, edge carpet, doors, tops of doorways etc) it takes me about 4 hours.  I have a split level and that is only the top.
  • Sadly, I don't think I've ever cleaned it completely all at one time. Probably at least 6-7 hours.
  • I don't clean it thoroughly in one day.  I break it up over a few days.  I have done it before and it took a good part of the entire day.  SUCKED!
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  • Ha! With 2 kids, it usually takes me all day long, sometimes 2 days. lol

    That is why it only gets done every 2-2.5 wks.  I just do minor cleaning everyday and the big stuff gets done every once in a while.  I hate it.

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  • with or without kids?  With kids...I work on it all weekend with interruptions.

    Without kids, maybe 6 hours.....

    Spring cleaning (like going through stuff and everything) without kids all weekend....that's what I need...a kid free weekend so I can clean.

  • It depends on what you mean by thoroughly.

    Every week I do the following, and if I do it all at once it takes me about 2 hours:

    dust all rooms, bathrooms, floors (vaccuum all and wet scrub wood), scrub all surfaces in the kitchen

  • Before Sydney was born, I sent Ashlyn away for two full 9 hour days, and still didn't do all I wanted to do, so I guess I can't really say.  It's never happened.

    But, I probably spend about an hour a day keeping up on top of it all.

  • without PAC around, and if it's just me, it probably takes 6-7 hours or so. That's 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms (1 shower 1 tub), kitchen, linen closet, foyer, living/dining area and stairs. That doesn't include folding laundry or reorganizing the closets.
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  • Without DD it takes me about an hour per room to organize, dust, vacuum, wash windows, mop floor (we have all hardwood) and have each room in perfect condition.  The kitchen gets pretty thoroughly wiped down at least daily, the bathroom usually takes over an hour.  With DD it takes 2+ hours to do all that lol!  I live in a small apartment, so I usually do one room per day and make sure each room gets thoroughly cleaned like that at once a week.  If I go longer than that my allergies start to bother me (I have a severe dust allergy) so it has to be done weekly.  I have no idea what I'll do when we have more than 5 rooms lol!
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  • I do a little everyday except on Sunday.  My house is *now* always clean and always guest ready.

    20-30 minutes a day and my house makes me happy.   And I save money not paying a cleaning lady.

    I thank co18 for this.


    Me with my littlest.
  • wow, what does it say about my cleaning abilities when I can't answer this because I don't think I've ever single-handedly cleaned my house top to bottom? DH is the neat freak in the family, so he always invariably pitches in... he's also the one who caved and decided that getting a cleaning service no longer qualified as a "luxury" but a necessary cost of living with me. :)

    (and yup, I've tried Fly Lady and those types of "programs"... I just don't have that "fire in my belly" to keep house... a tidy downstairs is more than adequate for me!)

    A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garrett
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  • It takes 3 ladies over 3 hours to clean my house.  When I do it myself, 3 days. 
  • all fecking day. ?and I have house cleaners :(
  • With a toddler and an infant, infinity.  Law undoes everything I do and Andersen knows *just* when I'm trying to accomplish something and chooses that very moment to want attention/wake up.  It has taken me all morning to sort laundry and get one load in, take out the trash, sweep the floors, pick up the kitchen, unload the dishwasher and wipe down the counters.  I still need to pick up my room, the living room and Law's room,  vacuum, clean the toilets, wipe down the bathrooms and do a bajillion loads of laundry.  I won't get the showers scrubbed.  I may or may not dust.  Andersen just woke up and he's being particularly needy today, so I probably won't get much done during Law's nap - gotta love the tag team sleeping.

    A month or two ago, I had H take the kids and let me clean all day.  They were gone like 6 or 8 hours and I hardly made a dent in what I wanted to do.  I'm totally going to need a system when we move to our new house.

  • It cannot be done in one day by me alone.  I have a house keeper that comes once a week and she stays for at least 4 hours.  She does the downstairs each week and the upstairs every other laundry every week.
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  • My house is about 2000sq feet.  To dust, clean the bathrooms (3), vacuum, sweep and mop it takes a total of 4 hours.  I break it up into 2 days and only clean every other week.
    Child #1: 6 yo DD Child #2: 2yo DD
  • So far.....over 4 years.
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