Get this one:
I dropped Matthew off at my IL's this morning- they watch him 3 days a week while I work. I always have a carseat in my car, and they have one in their car. On the weekends, sometimes DH takes their carseat for his truck. I've been saying since DS was born that we need a 3rd carseat, but DH insists that it's super easy just to take their if he needs it. Ok, fine.
This morning I dropped DS off, got about 15 minutes away, and realized their carseat is still in my trunk, I forgot to give it back from the weekend. I called to tell them I was on my way back and my FIL says "Ok that's ok, we have another car seat." Um, you do? "Yeah, we bought one at a garage sale this weekend. It's missing the straps but we can make it work."
I almost ran off the road. Thank GOD I realized I had the car seat, and thank GOD I found out they had this extra "car seat." WTF?
*headed to Costco during lunch break to buy a new carseat for them.*
Re: Holy sh*t, are you F$%# kidding me??
And of ONE person says "Well, we didnt even HAVE car seats when we were growing up and we survived..." I'm going to thrash them.
I would have had a heart attack! How do you make a carseat without straps work!?!?!?!
Were they planning on duct-taping him in the seat?
And yeah, I'm with Emilie. I hate that argument.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
We've all done stupid things.... like last week we went to a zoo about 1.5 hours away. We got about 10 miles down the road when DS leaned forward and tapped me on the shoulder. I freaked....he wasn't buckled in. DH said "didn't you buckle him in?" I said no, I thought he did it. Jeez. But I think this is completely different.
(Perhaps I shouldn't have admitted that.)
Matthew James 1/11/07
That was the very first thing that went through my head! LOL
And who the heck sells a carseat with no straps?? That needs to go in the garbage!
Matthew James 1/11/07
I can't imagine why anyone would sell a car seat without straps. Do you think maybe they bought a booster seat and just didn't know what it was called? (Not that it's ok to put a toddler in a booster seat.)
I'm usually a big supporter of people selling or donating their carseats. It's nice to live in a world where everyone can get a new one, but the reality is that for a lot of kids, their only chance of having one is if they get a used one. And a used carseat is better than no carseat. That definately does NOT apply in this situation!
Liam is 5!
This is my worst nightmare when my ILs have DS. My MIL bought a carseat at a "used store" because it was a Britax and aren't those supposed to be the best?!?!? She also once mentioned the "well, when I had my kid, we didn't have carseats" Yeah, well times have changed and this is MY kid.
Sorry you had to go through this today-what a Monday!
In my state, a low-income family can qualify for a carseat subsidized by the state. I'd be shocked if other states didn't have similar programs.
You know those people stuck the carseat in the yard sale just waiting for some sucker to buy it... I bet they were laughing after e's IL's left.
Yikes... I'm glad you found out, too! ?
Not all states have that program. Also, it usually only covers one carseat per child. Here on the Parenting board we all have two or three car seats and our parents and IL's usually have them as well. (heck, my two girls have 7 car seats between them) But low income families are lucky if they have one and they rely on their extended family more than most of us in order to take care of their kids.
Good points, I agree. I also agree with you that a used car seat is better than none - just wanetd to point out that sometimes a new one is possible. At least one.